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Published online by Cambridge University Press: 27 February 2017
1 Yearbook of Commercial Arbitration (begun in 1976), Journal of International Arbitration (1984), Arbitration International (1985), and American Review of International Arbitration (1990).
2 See the collection of awards published in the periodicals cited in footnote 1; see also Collection of ICC Arbitral Awards 1974–1985, Recueil des sentences arbitrales de la CCI (S. Jarvin & Y. Derains eds. 1990). This collection appeared, however, after the book under review was published.
3 See, e.g., R. David, Arbitration in International Trade 281–82 (1985); 2 P. Fouchard, L’Arbitrage Commercial interNational 316 (1965); Goldman, Les conftits de lois dans l’arbitrage international de droit privé, 109 Recueil Des Cours 347, 380 (1963 II); P. Lalive, Les Règies de conflit de lois appliquées au fond du litige par l’arbitre international siégeant en Suisse, Revue de L’Arbitrage 155, 159 (1976). For a thorough critique of this doctrine, see Mann, Lex Facit Arbitrum, in International Arbitration: Liber Amicorum for Martin Domke 157 (P. Sanders ed. 1967); Mann, England Rejects “Delocalised” Contracts and Arbitration, 33 Int’l & Comp. L.Q. 193 (1984).
4 For English-speaking authorities on this theory, see J. Lew, Applicable Law in Inter National Commercial Arbitration (1978); Lando, The “Lex Mercatoria” in International Commercial Arbitration, 34 Int’l & Comp. L.Q. 741 passim (1985). For French-speaking authorities, see R. David, L’Arbitrage Dans le Commerce International 479 (1982); Goldman, La lex mercatoria dans les contrats el l’arbitrage internationaux: réalités et perspectives, 104 Journal du Droit International (Clunet) 339 (1977); Lalive, Problèmes relatifs à l’arbitrage international commercial, 120 Recueil des Cours 569, 650 (1967 I). For German-speaking authorities, see E. Langen, Transnationales Recht (1981); Martiny, in 7 Münchener Kommentar zum bürgerlichen Gesetzbuch 529, 539 (H. Sonnenberger ed. 1983); Schmitthoff, Das neue Recht des Welthandels, 28 Rabels Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht 47 (1964). For a critical survey of the German-speaking advocates of this theory, see Sandrock & Steinschulte, in 1 Handbuch der internationalen Vertragsgestaltung 99 (O. Sandrock ed. 1980).
5 See, among many others, Art. 13(3) of the ICC Arbitration Rules; Art. 33(1) of the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules; Art. VII(l) of the European Convention on Commercial Arbitration of Apr. 21, 1961; Art. 28(2) of the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration of June 21, 1985. Many writers have supported such discretion of the arbitral tribunal; see, e.g., Lalive, supra note 3, at 155; A. Redfern & M. Hunter, Law and Practice of International Commercial Arbitration 87–89 (1986).