ACKLEY, S F Year-round pack ice in the Weddell Sea: response and sensitivity to atmospheric and oceanic forcing
AGETA, Y Application of a conceptual precipitation–runoff model (HYCYMODEL) in a debris-covered glacierized basin in the Langtang Valley, Nepal Himalaya
AGNEW, TA Estimation of large-scale sea-ice motion from SSM/I 85.5 GHz imagery
ALLISON, I Snow-accumulation distribution in the interior of the Lambert Glacier basin, Antarctica
ANDERSON, M R Determination of a melt-onset date for Arctic sea-ice regions using passive-micro-wave data
ARBETTER, T E Response of sea-ice models to perturbations in surface heat flux
BAILEY, D A Impact of ocean circulation on regional polar climate simulations using the Arctic Region Climate System Model
BAMBER, J L The climate of Antarctica in the UGAMP CGM: sensitivity to topography
BAMBER, J L An improved elevation dataset for climate and ice-sheet modelling: validation with satellite imagery
BARRY, R G Cryospheric data for model validations: requirements and status
BENISTON, M On the potential use of glacier and permafrost observations for verification of climate models
BERNIER, M Preliminary analysis of the snow microwave radiometry using the SSM/I passive microwave data: the case of the La Grande River watershed (Quebec)
BETTGE, T W Simulation of sea ice in the NCAR Climate System Model
BINDSCHADLER, R A An improved elevation dataset for climate and ice-sheet modelling: validation with satellite imagery
BOUDREAUX, A Geometry response of glaciers to changes in spatial pattern of mass balance
BRIEGLEB, B P Simulation of sea ice in the NCAR Climate System Model
BROMWICH, D H Evaluating moist physics for Antarctic mesoscale simulations
BROWN, R D Historical variability in Northern Hemisphere spring snow-covered area
BRUN, E Coupling a multi-layered snow model with a GCM
BRUN, E Snow-cover simulations in mountainous regions based on general circulation model outputs
BUDD, W F Impact of transient increases in atmospheric CO2 on the accumulation and mass balance of the Antarctic ice sheet
BUDD, W F Physical characteristics of the Antarctic sea-ice zone derived from modelling and observations