Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Deason, Ellen E.
The Quest for Uniformity in Mediation Confidentiality: Foolish Consistency or Crucial Predictability?.
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Freedman, David
Unjust Enrichment Claims Against the Estate Based on the Provision of Services to the Deceased.
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Cuniberti, Gilles
Beyond Contract - The Case for Default Arbitration in International Commercial Disputes.
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Badr, Yehya
Choice of Law and Foreign Currency Debts: A Comparative Study.
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Hardy, David T.
The Recent Rise, and More Recent Demise, of the 'Collective Right' Interpretation of the Second Amendment.
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Sparkman, Allen
Will Your Veil Be Pierced? How Strong is Your Entityys Liability Shield? Piercing the Veil, Alter Ego, and Other Bases for Holding an Owner Liable for Debts of an Entity.
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Gross, Jill
The Customer's Non-Waivable Right to Choose Arbitration in the Securities Industry.
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Pace, H. Justin
Equitable Fiduciaries, Business Organization Fiduciaries, and Cognition: Explaining the Divide in Fiduciary Obligation Law.
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Morley, Michael T.
The Federal Equity Power.
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