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- Copyright © Antiquity Publications Ltd. 1995
Page 865 of note * Its supporting ‘major contributors’ should be mentioned: on the title-page are also named MICHAEL J. ALLEN, ALEX BAYLISS, C. BRONK RAMSEY, LINDA COLEMAN, JULIE GARDINER, P.A. HARDING, RUPERT HOUSLEY, ANDREW J. LAWSON, GERRY MCCORMAC, JACQUELINE I. MCKINLEY, ANDREW PAYNE, ROBERT G. SCAIFE, DALE SERJEANTSON & GEOFF WAINWRIGHT. The full cast for the 20th-century drama would more than fill a page, starting with Richard Atkinson’s colleagues in the 1950s excavations, STUART PIGOOTT and the late J.F.S. STONE, and Atkinson’s latter research assistants, MARGARET EHRENBERG and PETER BERRIDCE.
Page 867 of note * The ‘full technical reports’ ahout the Côa dating work done by ALAN WATCHMAN and by ROBERT BEDNARIK are to appear in Rock Art Research 12(2), Bednarik reports below; and he says there will be a general discussion paper in the Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences de Paris. I do not know where, or if, reports on their work by FRED PHILLIPS and RONALD DORN will be made public. JOÃO ZILHÃO’S article here is shortened from his paper presented to the September 1995 rock-art congress in Turin: it appears in full in Trabalhos de Antropologia e Etnologia.
Not surprisingly in the small world of archaeology, and within it the smaller world of rock-art studies, I know personally several of those involved, and others from their published work. Several are contributors to ANTIQUITY. As usual, one attempts to set aside the personal factor.
Page 869 of note * The 23 constituents of the International Federation of Rock Art Organizations are: American Committee to Advance the Study of Petroglyphs and Pictographs; American Rock Art Research Association; Assoçiagao Portuguesa de Arte e Arqueologia Rupestre; Association des Amis de l’Art Rupestre Saharien; Association pour le Rayonnement de l’Art Pariétal Européen; Australian Rock Art Research Association; Centar za Istrazuvanje na Karpestala unct nost i Praistorijata na Makedonija; Centro de Investigación de Arte Rupestre del Uruguay; Centre Sludi e Museo d’Arte Preistorica; Comite de Investigación del Arte Rupestre de la Sociedad Argentina de Antropología; East African Rock Art Research Association; Gesellschaft für Vergleichende Felsbildforschung; Group de reflexion sur les méthodes d’étude de l’art parietal paléolithique; Indian Rock Art Research Association; Institutum Canarium; Japan Petrograph Society; Rock Art Association of Canada; Rock Art Association of Manitoba; Rock Art Research Association of Canada; Rock Art Society of India; Sociedad de Investigación del Arte Rupestre de Bolivia; Società Cooperativa Archaoologica le Orme dell’Uomo; Société Préhistorique Ariège-Pyrénées; Southern African Rock Art Research Association.
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