Published online by Cambridge University Press: 02 January 2015
1 For the Mycenaean cemeteries of Attica cf. F. H. Stubbings, ‘The Mycenaean Pottery of Attica’, BSA, LXII, 1947, 1-75. Further bibliography in E. D. Townsend, Hesperia, xxiv, 1955, 187-219.
2 Preliminary reports: JHS, LXXIV, 1954, 148. BCH, LXXVIII, 1954, no.
3 Cf. the Helladic chronology by A. J. B. Wace in E. L. Bennett, ‘The Mycenaean Tablets’, Proc. Amer. Phi. Soc. XCVII, 1953, 424> note 8 and Foreword in ‘Ventris-Chadwick Documents’, 1956.
4 A L.H. 11 Shaft-grave has been excavated near the shore of Varkiza by D. Theocharis in February 1951 (unpublished).
5 Cf. AA, 55, 1940. 178-
6 D. W. Thompson, A Glossary of Greek Fishes, 1947.
7 L.M. I B Casket-like vase (for ritual use) from Pseira, Seager, Excavat. on the Island of Pseira, 1910, fig. 12. L.M. III specimens: Palaikastro, BSA, Suppl. I, 1923, fig. 69, 70. Ligortino, Savignoni, Mon. Ant., XIV, 1904, fig. 120 ( = Louvre c. 892).
8 Seager, The Cemetery of Pachyammos, 1916, pls. IX, XIV.
9 P. of M., III fig. 251.
10 P. of M., I-IV. Pendlebury, The Archaeology of Crete, 1939.
11 For the date of catastrophe cf. Hutchinson ANTIQUITY, XXVIII, 1954, 164.