Published online by Cambridge University Press: 02 January 2015
1 ANTIQUITY, XXXIV (1960), 314–6.
2 Mariën, M.-E. Note sur quelques objets hallstattiens de Court-Saint-Etienne, Bull. Mus. Roy. d‘Art et d’Histoire, 18 (1946), 16-28.
3 Trouvailles . . . de Court-Saint-Etienne, pp. 32–6; p. 237 with fig. 46.
4 The photographs are by Mr Eric Broadbent, and the drawings were prepared by Mr Colin Burgess. I am grateful to Dr H. N. Savory for granting me every facility to study these objects in the National Museum of Wales.
5 Bökönyi, S., Reconstruction des mors en bois de cerf et en os, Act. Arch. Acad. Sci. Hungaricae, 111 (19531, 113–21.
6 In the absence of bits at Llyn Fawr and Court-Saint-Etienne, the detailed mechanics of the cheek pieces are slightly uncertain. Evidence from Lengenfeld suggests that a two-link bit of bronze would be appropriate. For greater certainty in the interpretation of these pieces it would be necessary to experiment with facsimiles on a horse of the right size, e.g. something like a Shetland pony, not the breed used by M. Mariën for his reconstructions. I am grateful to Professor R. J. C. Atkinson for his observations on this.
7 e.g. from Mörigen in the British Museum, W. G. 1384, 1385, seen through the kindness of Mr J. Brailsford.