Published online by Cambridge University Press: 15 April 1988
As in the female (Breton et al., 1988), plasma gonadotropin levels (GtH) in male roach were always the lowest the day of aggregation on the spawning areas, eventhough they were elevated 3 daysearlier. The levels increased during spawning and remained at a high level in most of the animalscaptured out of the visible spwaning areas, 3 weeks after the beginning of the spawning activity. During the same period the GnRH contents did not significantly vary in the hypothalamic lobes, the di-met-and myelencephalon. On the contrary there were marked variations in the pituitary gland and the telencephalon in which the GnRH levels were the highest the day of aggregation when GtH plasma levels were the lowest. In these two structures they decreased during spawning in correlation with the increase of the plasma GtH levels. These results are discussed in comparison with those obtained in the female and in relation with the possible endocrine and paracrine roles of the GnRH in these structures and mainly in the telencephalon.