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Esmonde M. Robertson. Mussolini as Empire-Builder. Europe and Africa, 1932-36. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1977. 1x + 246 pp. Map, chronological table, bibliography, notes, index. $17.95. - Stephen U. Chukumba. The Big Powers Against Ethiopia: Anglo-Franco-American Diplomatic Maneuvers During the Italo-Ethiopian Dispute, 1934-1938. Washington, D.C.: University Press of America, 1977. iii + 496 pp. Map, notes, bibliography. $14.75 hardcover; $11.25 paper. - Viveca Halldin Norberg. Swedes in Haile Selassie’s Ethiopia, 1924-1952: A Study in Early Development Co-operation. New York: Africana Publishing Company, 1977. 320 pp. Map, notes, bibliography, tables, figures, appendices, index of personal names. $23.50.
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 23 June 2016

- Type
- African Societies and Imperialism
- Information
- Copyright
- Copyright © African Studies Association 1980
Editors’ note: Readers may wish to consult reviews found in “Ethiopia,” Review of Books, vol. 4/1978, pp. 37-48; and “Revolution and Publication: Ethiopia Since 1974,” Review of Books, vol. 5/1979, pp. 154-163.
1. Robertson, Esmonde M., Mussolini as Empire-Builder: Europe and Africa, 1932-36 (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1977), p. 189 CrossRefGoogle Scholar.
2. See, for example, Baer, George W., The Coming of the Italian-Ethiopian War (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1967)CrossRefGoogle Scholar; Barker, A. J., The Civilizing Mission, a History of the Italo-Ethiopian War of 1935-1936 (New York: Dial Press, 1968)Google Scholar; Hardie, Frank, The Abyssinian Crisis (London: Batsford Limited, 1974)Google Scholar; and Laurens, Franklin D., France and the Italo-Ethiopian Crisis, 1935-1936 (The Hague: Mouton, 1967)Google Scholar.
3. Salvemini, Gaetano, Mussolini diplomatico, 1922-1932 (Bari: Laterza, 1952)Google Scholar; Salvatorelli, Lulgi and Mira, Giovanni, Storia d’Italia nel periodo fascista (Rome: Einaudi, 1959)Google Scholar; MackSmith, Denis, Italy, a Modern History (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1959)Google Scholar; and Hughes, H. Stuart, “The Early Diplomacy of Italian Fascism, 1922-1932,” in Craig, and Gilbert, , eds., The Diplomats, 1919-1939, Vol. I (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1953)Google Scholar.
4. D’Amoja, Fulvio, Declino e prima crisi dell’Europa di Versailles (Milan: Ditt. A. Giuffre Editore Publicazioni dell’ Instituto di Scienze Giuridiche, Economiche, Politiche e Sociali della Unlversita di Messina, 1967)Google Scholar.
5. Public Record Office, London, Foreign Office Papers, 371.19105, J973/1/1, minute by Vansittart, 25 March 1935, quoted in Antoinette Iadarola’s Prolegomena to the Ethiopian Crisis: Anglo-Italian Relations Towards Ethiopia, 1923-1934 (unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., 1975), pp. 238-239.
6. Noticeably missing are such general works and articles as Franklin D. Laurens, op. cit.; Frank Hardie, op. cit.; Funke, Manfred, Sanktionen und Kanonen: Hitler, Mussolini und der internationale Abessinienkonflikt, 1934-1936 (Dusseldorf: Droste Verlag, 1970)Google Scholar; Gilkes, Patrick, The Dying Lion: Feudalism and Modernization in Ethiopia (London: Oxford University Press, 1975)Google Scholar; Middlemas, K. and Barnes, J. B., Baldwin, a Biography (London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1969)Google Scholar; Markakis, John, Ethiopia: Anatomy of a Traditional Polity (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1974)Google Scholar; Rochat, G., Militari e politici nella preparazione della campagna d’Etiopia: Studio e documenti, 1932-1936 (Milan: Franco Angeli, 1971)Google Scholar; Thompson, Neville, The Anti-Appeasers: Conservative Opposition to Appeasement in the 1930s (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1971)Google Scholar; Weinberg, Gerhard L., The Foreign Policy of Hitler’s Germany: Diplomatic Revolution in Europe, 1933-1936 (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1971)Google Scholar; Goldman, A. L., “Sir Robert Vansittart’s Search for Italian Cooperation Against Hitler, 1933-1936,” Journal of Contemporary History IX (1974): 93–130 CrossRefGoogle Scholar; Iadarola, Antoinette, “Ethiopia’s Admission into the League of Nations: An Assessment of Motives,” International Journal of African Historical Studies VIII, 4 (1975): 601–622 CrossRefGoogle Scholar; Marder, A., “The Royal Navy and the Ethiopian Crisis of 1935-1936,” American Historical Review LXXV (1970): 1327–1356 CrossRefGoogle Scholar; Parker, R. A. C., “Great Britain, France and the Ethiopian Crisis of 1935-1936,” English Historical Review LXXXIX (1974): 293–332 CrossRefGoogle Scholar; and Wright, Patricia, “Italy’s African Dream: Fatal Victory,” History Today XXIII (March, April, May 1973): 153–160, 256-265, 336-344Google Scholar.
7. Great Britain, Documents on British Foreign Policy, 1919-1939, (2) XII, 696, 717 n. 28, 722 n. 43Google Scholar; see also R. A. C. Parker, op. cit., p. 295; and R. Rotunda, The Rome Embassy of Sir Eric Drummond, 6th Earl of Perth (London School of Economics, Ph.D. dissertation, 1972), pp. 219-227, 234-236.
8. Rotberg, Robert I., Protest and Power in Black Africa (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1970)Google Scholar; Rodney, Walter, How Europe Underdeveloped Africa (London: Bogle-L’Ouverture, 1972)Google Scholar; Ki-Zerbo, Joseph, Histoire de l’Afrigue noire d’hier a demain (Paris: Hatier, 1972)Google Scholar; and Ranger, Terence Osborn, ed., Emerging Themes of African History (London: 1968)Google Scholar. For an excellent review of secondary sources, see also Norberg, Swedes in Haile Selassie’s Ethiopia, pp. 28-33.