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Published online by Cambridge University Press: 10 February 2009
The profound involvement of the Habsburg monarchy in various revolutionary manifestations in the Balkans since the subjugation of that peninsula by the Ottoman Turks has generally not been deemed worthy of investigation by historians. Only a handful of specialized articles and a few pages in the scant existing studies on Habsburg foreign policy have been devoted to the study of Austrian relations with actual or potential revolutionary elements. There has been a general neglect of Balkan studies by Austrian scholars and of Austrian studies by Balkan scholars.
1 See especially Ursu, J., Die auswärtige Politik des Peter Rareş, Fürst von Moldau (1527–1538) (Vienna: Konegen, 1908), pp. 17–43Google Scholar; Fischer-Galati, S. A., Ottoman Imperialism and German Protestantism, 1521–1555 (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969), pp. 66–67.Google Scholar
2 The basic documents can be found in de Hurmuzaki, E. (ed.), Documente privitoare la istoria românilor (19 vols., Bucharest: Göbi, 1880–1903), Vols. III-IV, VIII-IX, and XI-XVGoogle Scholar; Panaitescu, P. P., Documente privitoare la istoria lui Mihai Viteazul (Bucharest: Fundaṭia Regele Carol I, 1936)Google Scholar; Veress, A., Documente privitoare la istoria Ardealului, Moldovei şi Ṭării Româneşti (8 vols., Bucharest: Monitorul Oficial, 1932–1934), Vols. IV-VIIGoogle Scholar; Veress, A., Epistolae et acta generalis Georgii Basta (1597–1607) (Budapest: Typis Societatis Stephaneum typographicae, 1909)Google Scholar. Valuable bibliographical references may be found in Panaitescu, P. P., Mihai Viteazul (Bucharest: Fundaṭa Regele Carol I, 1936)Google Scholar; and Academia Republicii Populare Romîne, Istoria Romîniei, Vol. II (Bucharest: Editura Academiei R. P. R., 1962), pp. 1016–1018.Google Scholar
3 Ionoy, M. P., “Po v'prosa za politikata na Avstriia k'm Turciia i političeskite dviženiia v B'lgariia ot kraia na XVI do nač aloto na XVIII v.,“ Istoričeski Pregled, Vol. XII (1956), pp. 27–53.Google Scholar
4 Fiedler, J., “Versuche der türkisch-südslawischen Völker zur Vereinigung mit Österreich unter Kaiser Rudolph II, 1594–1606,” Slavische Bibliothek, Vol. II (1885), pp. 288–300.Google Scholar
5 See bibliographical references in Fischer-Galati, S., “Revolutionary Activity in the Balkans from Lepanto to Kuchuk Kainardji,” Südost- Forschungen, Vol. XXI (1962), pp. 194–213.Google Scholar
6 Ibid., p. 200, notes 25–29.
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15 Langer, J., “Nord-Albaniens und der Herzegowina Unterwerfungs- Anerbieten an Österreich (1737–1739),” Archiv für österreichische Geschichte, Vol. LXII (1881), pp. 247–261.Google Scholar
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19 Djordjevic, M., Djakova buna: političko-istoriska studija (Belgrade: n. p., 1953), pp. 1–5.Google Scholar
20 Pavlowitch, S. K., Anglo-Russian Rivalry in Serbia 1837–1889 (Paris: Mouton, 1961), pp. 197–199.Google Scholar
21 Mihanovich to Metternich, August 3, 1837, Haus-, Hof-, und Staatsarchiv (Vienna) (hereafter cited as “St. A. [Vienna]”), Serbien, Fasz. III.
22 St. A. (Vienna), Türkei and Serbien, Years 1841–1843, passim; Archives du Ministère des Affaires Étrangéres (Paris), Correspondance politique des consuls. Turquie. Belgrade, Vols. XVIII-XX.
23 Archives du Ministère des Affaires Ettrangeres (Paris), Turquie. Politique intérieure, Macédoine, Vols. I-XII, passim; St. A. (Vienna), K. u. K. Ziwilagent in Mazedonien, 1904–1909, Fasz. XXXIX, Vols. I-III, passim; St. A. (Vienna), Politisches Archiv: Sofia. Varia, Vols. XVXVII, passim; Tomoski, T. (ed.), Dokumenti od Vienskata arhiva za Makedonija od 1879–1903 (Skopje: n. p., 1955).Google Scholar
24 St. A. (Vienna), Politisches Archiv, Pt. I: Albanien, 1896–1906; Vol. I: Insurgierung Albaniens; Vol. XII: Albanien; Vol. XIV: Albanesen Aufstand; Archives du Ministère des Affaires Étrangères (Paris), Turquie: Politique intérieure, Albanie, Vols. I-XX; ibid., Albanie: Établissement de I'indépendance, Vols. I-XII.
25 In addition to the references listed in n. 24 see Bittner, L. et al. (eds.), Österreich-Ungarna Aussenpolitik von der bosnwchen Krise 1908 bis zum Kriegsausbruch 1914 (9 vols., Vienna: Österreichischer Bundesverlag, 1930).Google Scholar