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Published online by Cambridge University Press: 10 February 2009
1 See my “Neuordnung der ungarischen Grenzen nach dem großen Türkenkrieg,” Schriften des Heeresgeschichtlichen Museums in Wien, Vol. VI (1973), p. 33.Google Scholar
2 Note, for instance, paragraph 2 of article 1458 of the Hungarian diet, which reads: “The king is obliged to protect Hungary against all enemies.”
3 For the demands for the restoration of the Banal Authority, see, for example, the following articles of the Hungarian diet: article 1609, paragraphs 27 and 28; article 1630, paragraph 25; article 1638, paragraph 32; article 1647, paragraph 51; etc.
4 As quoted from the heading of Hauptgrenzberatung 1577, Austrian National Library, Cod. 8678.
5 See the polemic which Aladar Ballagi directed against Heinrich, Schwicker's Geschichle der österreichischen Militärgrenze in his “Hatarörvidék és legújabb monografusa” [The Military Frontier and Its Most Recent Monograph Writer], Századok, 1884, pp. 52–65.Google Scholar
6 Compare with the numerous titles in the section on education and public hygiene in my “Supplementarbibliographie zur Österreichischen Militargrenze,” Österreichische Osthefte, Vol. XVI (1974), No. 3, pp. 322–325.Google Scholar
7 See the chapter entitled “Impulse für soziale und nationale Forderungen der Rumänen” in Carl Göllner's new book on Die Siebenbürgische Militärgrenze. En Beitrag zur Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte 1762–1851 Google Scholar. In Buchreihe der Südostdeutschen Historischen Kommission, Vol. XXV1I1 (Munich: R. Oldenbourg Verlag, 1974), pp. 84–87 Google Scholar. This work still has not been listed in my “Supplementärbibliographie zur Österreichischen Militärgrenze.” Göllner also gave a lecture on the schools in the Military Frontier at the meeting of the International Lenau Society in Stockerau in September, 1974.