Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Manaseki-Holland, Semira
Manjang, Buba
Hemming, Karla
Martin, James T.
Bradley, Christopher
Jackson, Louise
Taal, Makie
Gautam, Om Prasad
Crowe, Francesca
Sanneh, Bakary
Ensink, Jeroen
Stokes, Tim
Cairncross, Sandy
Lanata, Claudio Franco
Effects on childhood infections of promoting safe and hygienic complementary-food handling practices through a community-based programme: A cluster randomised controlled trial in a rural area of The Gambia.
PLOS Medicine,
Vol. 18,
Issue. 1,
Target article
Unintentional behaviour change
Related commentaries (1)
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