Published online by Cambridge University Press: 09 March 2007
1. Because so little is known about the properties of lactitol as a possible alternative bulk sweetener to sucrose, it was tested in two large-scale experiments in laboratory rats. Matched groups of caries-active Osborne-Mendel rats were fed on uniform diets containing lactitol and compared with a sucrose control in both experiments, plus a xylitol control in the first experiment.
2. In the early stages of the experiments weight gains and food utilization were better on the sucrose than on the lactitol regimens. Body-fat storage was higher on the sucrose than on the polyol regimens.
3. At the end of 8 weeks the mandibular molars were examined for dental plaque accumulation and dental caries. The dental caries scores when 160 g sucrose/kg in the diet was replaced by lactitol were lower by a highly significant margin, bringing them down to the same low level as those on a 160 g xylitol/kg regimen.
4. Testing lactitol in a manufactured food product, shortbread biscuits, in comparison with ordinary sucrose biscuits, showed differences in plaque scores (significant) and caries levels (highly significant), with 60% fewer lesions on the lactitol regimen.
5. The results confirm the low cariogenic potential of lactitol, but show metabolic differences compared with sucrose.