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Volume 72 - December 1994

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Effects of supplements in functional indices of status

Iron Status and cell-mediated immunity

Dietary modfification of bile acvid secretion

Intestinal enzymes and the degradation of glucosinolates

Effects of complex carbohydrates in the gastrointestinal tract

Zinc and amino acid interactions in parenteral nutrition

Korean pine oil and lipid metabolism

Effects of meals on plasma lipids

Pteroylglutamate bioavailability

Assay and digestion of labelled tannis

Zinc deficiency and the acute phase response

Effects of magnesium deficiency on zinc bioavailability

Seasonal fluctuations in body weight in rural Benin

Effects of sodium and potassium chlorides on faecal composition

Vitamin status

Comparison of methods of dietary assessment

Carnitine and eicosanoid synthesis

Effects of condensed tannins on sulphur metabolism


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