Published online by Cambridge University Press: 10 July 2009
The following are some new species of Aphididae found in Africa. The majority are from the collection sent me by Mr. F. C. Willcocks, Entomologist to the Sultanic Agricultural Society of Egypt. Others have been received by the Imperial Bureau of Entomology.
Four previously described species are added, so as to keep these lists complete:—
1. Macrosiphum dahliafolii, nov. sp.
2. Aphis durantae, sp. nov.
3. Aphis zizyphi, sp. nov.
4. Aphis ficus, sp. nov.
5. Aphis tamaricis, sp. nov.
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‡ Monog. Brit. Aphid., ii, p. 80, pl. lxii, pp. 5–7 (1877).Google Scholar
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* Ent. Syst., iv, p. 220 (1794).Google Scholar
† Monog. Brit. Aphid., ii, p. 81, pl. lxii, figs. 5–7 (1877).Google Scholar
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