In possession of the Cambridge University Library (Or. 830) there is a copy of a Catalogue of the Kanjur, handwritten in Tibetan characters. The MS. has no head-title or colophon, and no indication of the author or the date of its origin is given. The colophon in the MS. 30a, 2–306,12, refers to the collection, and not to the Catalogue. The MS. is written distinctly, and at least three different handwritings are traceable. The size is a medium quarto, and one side of the paper only is filled. It consists of 22 ff. No original pagination of the folios is to be found, and this fact caused the present pagination, added by somebody not knowing Tibetan, to be utterly misleading. In the first half of the MS. the empty pages are numbered as well as those written on, and thus the next page after 56 is la, after 76, 9a, and so forth. After page 13 the mistake has been corrected and henceforward the pages run in their natural order, except for the other mistake, this time in binding, where the binder confused a few pages, and the “paginator”, not noticing it, kept up the natural order of the numbers.