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Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business—A Pioneering Country-Based Initiative
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 11 April 2016

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- Copyright © Cambridge University Press
Senior Advisor for South East Asia, Institute for Human Rights and Business.
1 These include the disenfranchisement of hundreds of thousands of people, most notably the vast majority of Muslims in Rakhine State who self-identify as Rohingya.
2 Myanmar EITI, (accessed 6 February 2016).
3 Environmental Conservation Dept, Myanmar Ministry of Environmental Conservation and Forests, (accessed 6 February 2016).
4 MCRB, ‘Land Briefing Paper’, (March 2015), (accessed 6 February 2016).
5 IHRB, ‘Occasional Paper: Responsible Business in Myanmar – the Human Rights Dimension’, (17 September 2012), (accessed 6 February 2016).
6 Republic of the Union of Myanmar, 'Notice to Ensure the Responsible Investment in the Thilawa SEZ’ (7 August 2015), (accessed 6 February 2016).
7 MCRB, SWIAs, (accessed 6 February 2016). The Oil and Gas, Tourism, and ICT SWIAs have been published; the Mining SWIA will be published in late 2016.
8 Transparency International, ‘Transparency in Corporate Reporting 2014, Assessing the World’s Largest Companies’, (accessed 6 February 2016).
9 See MCRB, ‘Pwint Thit Sa Project/TiME’, (accessed 6 February 2016).
10 Myanmar Petroleum Resources Limited, ‘How companies respond to complaints and grievances – MPRL E & P Perspectives’, (3 June 2015), available at (accessed 6 February 2016).
11 Physicians for Human Rights, ‘A Foreseeable Disaster in Burma, Forced Displacement in Thilawa Special Economic Zone, (November 2014), (accessed 6 February 2016).
12 MCRB, ‘Background note, United Nations Forum on Business and Human Rights – Thilawa Special Economic Zone (SEZ), Myanmar, (November 2015), (accessed 6 February 2016) and Kaufman, Jonathan and McDonnell, Katherine, ERI, ‘Community Driven Operational Grievance Mechanisms’ (2016), 1 Business and Human Rights Journal, 127 CrossRefGoogle Scholar.
13 MCRB Submissions, (accessed 6 February 2016).
14 Robert, Pierre, Bray, John, Sein, Kyi Kyi, ‘Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business Mid Term Review’, page 3, (October 2015), Google Scholar (accessed 6 February 2016).
15 Amnesty International, ‘Open for Business? Corporate Crime and Abuses at Myanmar Copper Mine’, (10 February 2015), (accessed 6 February 2016).
16 A phrase coined by Professor Joseph Nye of Harvard Kennedy School to describe someone who is able and experienced in business, government and the social sector.