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- Michaelmas Term, 1909
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- Copyright © The Author(s). Published online by Cambridge University Press 1910
page 13 note 2 Sónar-dreyra; where sónar must be short for sónar-galtar from sónar-gƍltr, the boar sacrificed to Frey. Cf. F.A.S. I. 531: Heiðrekr konungr blótaði Frey; þann gƍlt er mestan fekk skyldi hann gefa Frey; cf. also: Longobard. sonarpair: verres qui omnes alios verres in grege batuit et vincit (Sievors, Beitr. xvi. 544 ff.).—It would seem then that Heimdal and Frey were objects of the same or a similar cult.
page 14 note 1 The epithet suits unesthetically a divinity of the morning glow (Heimdal), but very fittingly the god of fire. In the case of Heimdal it would seem to warrant the assumption that, once upon a time, he too was a Fire Divinity.