The Current State of Bioethics in Serbia
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 30 April 2013
1 Rakić, V, Bojanić, P.Bioethics in Serbia: Institutions in need of philosophical debate. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 2011;20(3):440–8.Google Scholar
2 Serbia posts highest abortion rate in Europe. SETimes; available at (last accessed 17 Aug 2012).
3 See note 2, Serbia posts highest abortion rate in Europe.
4 See note 2, Serbia posts highest abortion rate in Europe.
5 See note 2, Serbia posts highest abortion rate in Europe.
6 Milion gradjana Srbije na tabletama [A million citizens of Serbia on tablets]; 021; available at (last accessed 20 Sept 2012).
7 Lakše platiti antibiotik nego nabaviti recept [It is easier to buy an antibiotic than to acquire a prescription]. Politika online; available at (last accessed 20 Sept 2012).
8 See note 1, Rakić, Bojanić 2011, at 440.
9 The Constitution of the Republic of Serbia, 2006, art 24.
10 Serbians dissatisfied with their constitution. BalkanInsight; available at (last accessed 11 May 2012). For a complete insight into the results of the survey, see (last accessed 23 May 2012).
11 (last accessed 17 Aug 2012).