page v note 1 George III. ed. Barker, ii. 106.
page v note 2 Burke's Correspondence, i, 182. Macknight's Burke, i. 393.
page v note 3 Albemarle's Rockingham, ii. 20, note : ‘ The heads of the party admitted him to their secret concijiabula,’
page vi note 1 Only a small portion is extant in the Duke's own hand. The copy seems to be in the hand of his chaplain, Dr. Thomas Hurdis.
page vi note 2 This no longer forms part of the volume, and appears to be lost.
page vii note 1 See Walpole (ed. Barker), ii. 133 : ‘ But surely Lord Temple was not so overrun with delicacy that he could afford to make a secret of the only delicacy he seems ever to have felt, the turning out his own brother to take his place himself,’
page x note 1 Albemarle's Rockingham, i. 265.
page x note 2 Letters of Charlemont to Flood, p. 5.
page xiii note 1 See the letter of Selvvyn in the Howard MSS., Fifteenth Report of the Historical MSS. Commission, p. 230.