Published online by Cambridge University Press: 31 May 2012
The species considered here are closely allied to those of the fallax and triundulatus groups and to the strongly characterized vernalis Hentz, hamatus Say, planulus Lec., and nigricollis Bland. All of these together form a natural group characterized by the general body form and type of vestiture and sculpture. The body is never cylindrical or very elongate. The posterior pronotal angles are short, broad basally, not at all convex, and not or very finely carinate. The propleura are not or only very shallowly emarginate at base, and the lateral margins of the elytra aremore broadly reflexed than usual. The vestiture is fine and abundant. The punctures of the pronotum and venter are quite fine and close, and the punctures are not or scarcely closer on the sides of the pronotum than at the middle of the pronotal disk.
* Contribution from the Division of Systematic Entomology, Entomological Branch, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa.