Published online by Cambridge University Press: 31 May 2012
In working on the biology of Hoplitis producta (Cress.) and going through a large number of nests of that species, one nest was discovered which was quite distinct from the others. At first, it was thought that this nest was perhaps the nest of another species of Hoplitis; however, the subsequent rearing of the bees and their identification has shown the nest to belong to Heriades (Neotrypetes) variolosus variolosus (Cresson). This is the first record of the nesting habit of any member of the subgenus Neotrypetes, and while the record is far from complete, it seems that for sake of a more complete picture on the nesting habits of the Megachilidae that it be reported at the time. Rau (1) has recorded the emergence of two individuals of Heriades (Physostetha) carinata Cresson from a hollowed out stem of sumach, but gave no details on the nest construction.