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Published online by Cambridge University Press: 31 May 2012
Nemeophila Selwynii, n. sp.
Head, thorax and abdomen, dull sooty black. Palpi, collar and tip of abdomen pale dull orange. Tegulæ, sides of abdomen and upper side of the tip of antennæ sordid white. Wings dull sooty black. At base of primaries a very distinct and clearly marked short white streak, and an oblique band (also cream white) from behind the middle of the costa to near the internal angle. This band, which is excavated at its junction with the cell, gradually narrows to a point as it reaches the outer margin. The fringe is white on the apical half of the margin, black elsewhere, and there is a small orange dash at the base of the costa. Secondaries wholly sooty black, fringe white, a little below the apex. Beneath the wings have a slate-colored shade, the markings of the upper surface repeated, the costa of primaries stained with orange at the base and at the edge of the white oblique band, while that of the secondaries has two whitish triangular blotches.
* The exact locality and date of capture of this Arctian are thus given by Prof. Macoun: “In open grassy woods along an old road between the Hudson Bay Store and the C. P. R. track, three miles east of Red Rock Station, and one mile west of Nipigon Bridge, June 26th, 1884.”