Published online by Cambridge University Press: 31 May 2012
Orthezia lasiorum, n. sp.—♀. About 2 millim, long; pale orange; ovisac (in specimens seen) not very long; two very long median white caudal lamellœ, about two-thirds length of body, curving over ovisac, but not attached to it. Dorsum covered with waxy secretion, but it is so easily deciduous that I have never found an adult with it sufficiently in place to describe. Middle leg with femur + trochanter 300 μ, tibia 240, tarsus (without claw) 180. Antennæ 7-jointed, the last joint with a terminal spine; joints measuring in μ: (1.)75–90. (2.)72–75.(3.)84–95. (4.)60. (5.)48.(6.)45.(7.)120–129. I have never found one with 8 joints, though I should expect such to occur.