Published online by Cambridge University Press: 31 May 2012
All of the Hymenoptera described in this paper were received from Father W. A. Stanton, Who captured them in the Observatory Garden at Manila, P. I.
Family X.—Stelididæ Cœlioxys, Latr.
œiCœlioxys Manilœ, new species.—♀. Length 6.5mm. Black; the cheeks, temples, clypeus and the fae upwards to the front ocellus, the mesopleura, sternum, coxæ, metathorax, and the apical margins of the ventral and dorsal abdominal segments, clothed, rather densely, with a whitish pubescence, sometimes tinged with yellow; there are also triangular spots of a yellowish pubescence on the anterior and posterior margins of the mesonotum and on the base of the scutellum; the head and thorax are rather coarsely, closely punctured, opaque, while the abdomen is shining, although distinctly punctate, the puncutures sparse and separated; the pygidium is bi-impressed at apex with a short median carina separating the impressions, the punctures being coarser and closer in the impressions or towards apex; the mandibles medially and the legs are red, the femora beneath and the tibiæ outwardly being clothed with a short, fine, dense, whitish pubescence.