Published online by Cambridge University Press: 31 May 2012
Lygus monachus, n. sp.
Long oval, pale green or testaceous, coarsely punctate above, sericeous pubescent. Face convex, highly polished, bald; base of vertex with a longitudinal impressed line, towards which a similar line runs obliquely forward each side from the inner corner of the eye; antennæ sparsely and minutely pubescent; basal joint thickest, a little longer than the head, tapering at base; second joint thrice as long as the basal, infuscated, and a little enlarged towards the tip; third and fourth setaceous, both together not as long as the second. Pronotum highly polished, convex, coarsely punctate in transverse wavy lines, each side with a dark brown vitta, or long spot; lateral margins smooth, callous at base, the humeral angles subacute; callosities prominent, convex, almost confluent on the middle; lateral flap of pronotum irregularly punctate. Pectoral pieces pale, impunctate. Legs pale green, feebly pubescent; apex of posterior femur usually with one or two fuscous bands, tip of tarsi and the nails black. Scutellum moderately convex, excavated at base, transversely obselete, punctate, more or less infuscated. Corium coarsely transversely vastrate-punctate, the clavus more or less infuscated, sometimes with all but the margins covered with dark brown; corium usually with a transverse dark brown arc next the posterior border; cuneus long and wide, the incised base fuscous and the inner margin brown; membrane pale testaceous, with two or more dark clouded spots, the inner submargin of the principal areole, a spot at its tip and the base next the cuneus all more or less fuscous. Ventor pale greenish.