Published online by Cambridge University Press: 31 May 2012
The great damage which has been done to cabbage and other cruciferous plants by the harlequin cabbage bug (Murgantia histrionica) in its spread towards the north-east renders of interest any comments upon its natural checks. Prof. H. A. Morgan, of the Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station at Baton Rouge, has reared in considerable numbers a Proctotrpid parasite from the eggs of this destructive insect, which was named by Mr. Ashmead Trissolcus murgantiœ. With commendable enterprise, professor Morgan has sent eggs of the cabbage bug to various Experiment Station Entomologists situated in localities which the Murgantia has more or less recently invaded, and to which it seems probable that the parasite has not he followed it. Professor Webster, of Ohio, has announced that he is trying to introduce this beneficial insect, and Professor Johnson, of Maryland, is making the same effort with Professor Morgan's help