Published online by Cambridge University Press: 31 May 2012
The following new species have been found in material submitted from various sources for identification.
Glyphodes obscura, new species
Fig. 1, 9, 13
Head, body and wings above moderately dark greyish brown, wings with a faint purplish sheen, hind wing a little paler and somewhat translucent in basal two-thirds. Markings very obscure. Fore wing above: antemedial band w-eakly fulvous. dark-bordered. somewhat oblique; discocellular patch obscure, quadrate; postmedial band weakly fulvous, dark-bordered, outwardly oblique to anal fold, then retracted to lower angle of cell and again outwardlyoblique to inner margin; an obscure dark subterminal line, almost parallel to margin; a narrow dark terminal line; fringe a little paler than an wing, with a dark midline. Hind wing above: a distinct dark dot at lower angle of cell; a very obscure, regular, postmedial band; traces of a dark, crenulated, subterminal line; terminal lineand fringe as on fore wing. Fore wing beneath: base and disc paler than above; ancerntdial line lacking; discocellular marking dark, geminate, joined posteriorly tn the inner end of postmedial line; the latter dark, roughly L-shaped, the part behind the discocellular patch obsolete; termen and fringe as above. Hind wing beneath: much ns above. but discocellular dot obscure and postmedial band dark, not fulvous. Female a little paler than male. Expanse 40 to 44 mm.
1 Contribution No. 3885, Entomology Division, Science Service, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Canada.