Published online by Cambridge University Press: 31 May 2012
In this paper 12 new species and a new genus (Prochramesus) of scolytid beetles are described from Mexico, and one species is described from Honduras. Notes concerning geographical distributions of a few other Mexican species are included. The specimens taken in Mexico were all collected by the author while with the 1953 expedition of the Francis Huntington Snow Entomological Museum (University of Kansas, Lawrence). The new species represent the following genera: Pseudohylesinus (1), Phrixisoma (1), Leperisinus (1), Phloeosinus (1), Chaetophloeus (1), Renocis (1), Phloeotribus (1), Prochramesus (1), and Chramesus (4).
1 Contribution No. 3409, Entomology Division, Science Service, Deparhnent of Agriculture, Ottawa, Canada.