Published online by Cambridge University Press: 31 May 2012
The generic name Bolbocerosoma was proposed by Mr. Schæffer in 1906 (Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., XXII, pp. 250-254) to take care of the species Scarabaeus forcuts Fabricius and its supposed synonym tumefactus Beauvois. Oddly enough, the misgivings of M. Beauvois. recorded more than a century ago, that his species was “perhaps only a climatic variation” have been shared by all subsequent writers, and three additional forms have, doubtless, on this account failed to receive recognition. After carefully studying between two and three hundred specimens, the writers cannot concur in the opinion of Mr. Schæffer that “intermediates” occur, and that, therefore, the differential characters are unstable and valueless. It is true that an occasional specimen will deviate somewhat from the average color pattern of its species, but such specimens can in every instance be readily determined by the examination of the constant structural and genital characters diagnostic of the species.