Published online by Cambridge University Press: 31 May 2012
Eight species of spiders belonging to two families were collected on northeastern Devon Island, N.W.T., in connection with the Canadian International Biological Program, Tundra Biome. They are Lycosidae: Tarentula exasperans Pickard-Cambridge; Erigonidae: Acartauchenius pilifrons (Koch), Collinsia spetsbergensis (Thorell), Diplocephalus barbatus (Koch), Erigone psychrophila Thorell, Hilaira vexatrix (Pickard-Cambridge), Minyriolus pampia Chamberlin, and Typhochraestus latithorax (Strand). The three most commonly collected species were E. psychrophila, T. exasperans, and H. vexatrix, in that order. New distributional data from other arctic localities for the above-mentioned species are given. A. pilifrons is recorded for the first time from the Nearctic Region and is described and figured in detail.