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Published online by Cambridge University Press: 31 May 2012
Through his Lordship's kindness, I have received, with much pleasure, a copy of the above named brochure. From such examination as I have been able to give it, it seems to me by far the most valuable of recent contributions to the literature of American Tineidœ, and place all students of this beautiful group of the “Micros” under special obligations to its distinguished author.
The material examined in the preparation of these “Notes” consisted mainly of the loaned collections of Profs. Fernald and Riley, that of the Peabody Academy of Sciences of Salem, Mass., of Mr. Goodell, of Amherst, Mass., and a small contribution by the present writer. Each of these lots contained some of Mr. chambers' types. The only American collections of any note which were not represented were those of the Harvard Museum at Cambridge, Mass., and the Clemens' types at Philadelphia. Of the latter, however, Lord Walsingham had full notes made during his visit to this country i 1872.