Published online by Cambridge University Press: 31 May 2012
In a 1984 study on the ecological factors influencing the forest vegetation in the southern region of the province of Quebec (Gauthier 1985; St-Jacques 1986), an adult specimen of Cleruchus biciliatus (Ferrière) was found. This is the first record of the occurrence of the species in North America.
Sampling was done in 120 sites selected in a stratified random design in natural forests of the Mirabel area, northwest of Montreal (from 45°33' to 45°45'N and from 74°3' to 74°44'W). At each site, vegetation was sampled from an area 20 by 50 m. A 400-cm2 sample of litter was taken from each of these areas. In the laboratory, the litter samples were put into modified Berless funnels (Phillipson 1971). Following a 48-h extraction process, the organisms, collected in 70% ethyl alcohol, were identified and counted.