Published online by Cambridge University Press: 31 May 2012
In the areae dentiparae, which slope far downward, nearly extending to the base of coxae III, this genus resembles Coelichneumonon Thoms. The propodeal slope, however, does not curve downward abruptly as in the latter genus, but slants gradually down in an oblique plane.
Gastrocoeli quite different from those typical of the Protichneumonini: much shallower and rather small, considerably narrower than their interval.
Postpetiole not longitudinally striated, but finely and irregularly reticulated in one species, almost smooth and shining in the other. Horizontal part of propodeum densely reticula-punctate, nearly opaque, costulae absent, areae superomedia and basalis not bordered by carinae, their place in one species indicated by a polished region.