Published online by Cambridge University Press: 31 May 2012
Pontania consors, new species.
Larva and Galls.—Dyar, Jour, N. Y. Ent. Soc., VI., June, 1898 p. 121.
Female.—Lenght, 4.5–5. mm.; slender; surface shining, not at all pubescent; clypeus distinctly emarginate, lobes triangular; ocellar basin distinctly defined, but with walls rounded; crest rather sharp, unbroken; fovea oval, distinctly defined; antennae short, joints 3 and 4 subequal; sheath moderatly broad, regularly rounded at tip; clothed with a rather dense fringe of long browish hairs; cerci narrow and elongate; claws deeply cleft, rays subequal; venation normal, upper discal cell of hind wings elongate, as long as or exceeding lower. Colour black; orbits and face brownish-yellow, including the area between the bases of the antennae; pronotum, tegulae and legs for the most part and venter of abdomen yellowish or resinous; bases of coxae black; posterior tarsi strongly infuscated; sheath dark brown; apical half of abdomen, dorsally, resinous, more or less infuscated; veins and stigma dark brown or strongly infuscated; wings hyaline or nearly so.