Published online by Cambridge University Press: 31 May 2012
Semium was described bv Reuter (1875) and placed in the division Cyllocoraria of the subfamily Capsina. Reuter (1910) later chanped the subfamily Capsina to Heterotomina, and the division Cyllocoraria to Halticaria. Van Duzee (1916) changed Reuter's Heterotomaria to Orthotylinae, and placed Semium in the division Orthotylaria, tribe Orthotylini. Knight (1923) proposed the tribe Semiini for the Genus, but Carvalho (1955) rejected this arrangement and placed the genus in the Orthotylini. Studies on the female and male genitalia by Slater (1950) and Kelton (1959) suggestee that the genus is referable to the Phylinae. In this paper the genus is transferred from the Orthotylinae to the Phylinae. tribe Phylini, on the basis of the male and female genitalia and the tarsal claws.