Published online by Cambridge University Press: 31 May 2012
Male. Length (anterior margin of labrum to posterior margin of elytra) 4.0 mm.; width 1.8 mm. Body feebly convex. Head dark reddish-brown, labrum and ocelli paler; first four segments of antennae pale reddish-brown, five to eleven tinged with piceous; scutellum and disc of pronotum reddish-brown, sides of latter paler; elytra black, except the following areas which are reddish-yellow: basal third and along suture, and an irregular oblique fascia extending inward and posteriorly from the margin at middle almost to the suture at apical fourth, narrowly connected laterally with the basal area; apices of elytra vaguely paler.
* Contribution from the Division of Entomology (Forest Entomology), Department of Agriculture, Vernon, B. C.