Published online by Cambridge University Press: 31 May 2012
Certain aspects of the reproductive ability of sterilized and unsterilized tobacco budworms, Heliothis virescens (F.), of a laboratory strain and a field strain, tested as single pairs, were studied; special attention was given to those females of pairs that mated but did not reproduce and to the distribution of sperm in the reproductive tract at various times after mating. Most of the sperm from the first two successful matings reached the spermatheca, but after three or more matings, substantial amounts were also present in the bursa copulatrix and(or) seminal duct. Ca. 18% and 35% of the unsterilized laboratory strain and field strain pairs, respectively, did not reproduce; 4.6% and 20.6%, respectively, locked or failed to mate. The percentage of mated pairs was reduced by the presence of a field strain female in crosses of the strains. Exposure to irradiation and chemosterilants reduced fertility but had little effect on mating frequency in either strain. Percentage egg hatch was the same for the untreated insects of both strains.