Published online by Cambridge University Press: 31 May 2012
Xorides caryœ, n. sp.
Female.—Length 11 to 16 mm. Black with yellowish-white markings. Head swollen, interior orbits, interrupted opposite antennæ punctured, between antennæ and ocelli polished; antennæ slender black. Thorax with the pectus and pleuræ finely punctate, polished; disc of mesothorax transversely rugulose; metathorax rounded, faintly sulcate medially and rugosely punctured and aciculated; sides of prothorax, two lines on mesothorax, two spots, sometimes confluent, on scutellum, the post-scutellum, the tegulæ and a broad stripe of pleura, contined on middle coxa, yellow-whitel legs, including coxæ, pale rufous or honey-yellow, anterior ones paler, the anterior coxæ stripe on middle coxæ outwardly, second joint of trochanters and the knees yellow, tibiæ and tarsi piceous or blackish, the former with a pale line within; wings hyaline, nervures and stigma black.