Published online by Cambridge University Press: 31 May 2012
The following new species of Eleodes have recently, come to hand and are described as follows:
Eleodes indentata n. sp. (Subgenus Blapylis Horn.)
Female—From ovate, about twice as long as wide, widest across middle of the elytra. Color deep black, luster polisheci ancl shining.
Head slightly widest across the eyes, before the post-ocular line a little more than twice as wide as long; sides of the front scarcely as prominent as the eyes, arcuately convergent to the oblique sutures and there broadly sinuate; sides of the epistoma straight and convergent, angles evenly. rounded, apex broadly sinuate : frons feebly convex, s1ight1y and broadly impressed within the moderatc supra-antennal convexities, very densely punctate, punctures coarse and more or less coalescent, smaller on the occiput. Labmrum transverse, densely punctete in apical one-half, thence to base smooth and very sparsel punctate.