Published online by Cambridge University Press: 20 November 2018
Let A1, A2,… , An be a finite collection of subsets (not necessarily distinct) of a set A. By a transversal of A1, A2,… , An we shall mean a set of n distinct elements a1, a2,… , an of A such that, for some permutation i1 i2, … , in of the integers 1, 2, … , n,
More generally, we shall say that the set {a1, a2, … , ar}, (r ≤ n) is a partial transversal oi A1, A2, … An of length r if (i) a1, a2, … , ar are distinct elements of A and (ii) there exists a set of distinct integers i1, i2… , irsuch that
A well-known theorem of P. Hall (2) states that the sets A1, A2… , An have a transversal (of length n) if, and only if, every k of them contain collectively at least k distinct elements (k = 1, 2, … , n).