Published online by Cambridge University Press: 20 November 2018
A (non-archimedean) valuation v on a field K is said to be henselian if it has a unique prolongation to a valuation on Ka, the algebraic closure of K. A henselization (Kh, vh) of a valuated field (K, v) is a smallest separable extension of K containing a henselian prolongation vh of v. (Kh, vh) is unique up to K-isomorphism, and (Kh, vh) = (K, v) if and only if v is henselian. In this paper we confine ourselves to valuations of finite rank.
If v is a non-henselian rank one valuation on K, and if [Ks:K] = ∞, Ks being the separable closure of K, then it is known that v has infinitely many prolongations to Ka [1, (27.11)]. We shall see that this is no longer true if the rank of v is greater than one.