Published online by Cambridge University Press: 20 November 2018
Although the Lebesgue dimension function is topologically invariant, the dimension-theoretic properties of a metric space can sometimes be made clearer by the introduction of a new, topologically equivalent metric. A considerable amount of effort has been devoted to the problem of constructing such metrics; one example of the fruits of this research is the following theorem by Nagata (2, Theorem 5).
In order that dim R ≦ n for a metrizable space R it is necessary and sufficient to be able to define a metric p(x, y) agreeing with the topology of R such that for every ∊ > 0 and for every point x oƒ R,
A metric ρ which satisfies the condition of this theorem is called Nagata's metric (this term was introduced, to the best of the author's knowledge, by Nagami (1, Definition 9.3)).