Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Mandolesi, Georgia
Grasselli, Giorgio
Musella, Alessandra
Gentile, Antonietta
Musumeci, Gabriele
Sepman, Helena
Haji, Nabila
Fresegna, Diego
Bernardi, Giorgio
Centonze, Diego
GABAergic signaling and connectivity on Purkinje cells are impaired in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis.
Neurobiology of Disease,
Vol. 46,
Issue. 2,
Nicot, Arnaud B
Harb, Jean
Garcia, Alexandra
Guillot, Flora
Mai, Hoa-Le
Mathé, Camille V
Morille, Jérémy
Vallino, Amélie
Dugast, Emilie
Shah, Sita P
Lefrère, Fabienne
Moyon, Mélinda
Wiertlewski, Sandrine
Le Berre, Ludmilla
Renaudin, Karine
Soulillou, Jean-Paul
van Pesch, Vincent
Brouard, Sophie
Berthelot, Laureline
Laplaud, David-Axel
Aglycosylated extracellular loop of inwardly rectifying potassium channel 4.1 (KCNJ10) provides a target for autoimmune neuroinflammation.
Brain Communications,
Vol. 5,
Issue. 2,