1 Introduction
The Mordell–Weil Theorem states that given an elliptic curve E defined over a number field F, its F-rational points form a finitely generated abelian group, i.e.,

where r is a non-negative integer called the Mordell–Weil rank. In [Reference Mazur22], Mazur initiated the study of Selmer groups of elliptic curves in
$\mathbb {Z}_p$
-extensions. A major application of Iwasawa theory is the study of the growth of Mordell–Weil ranks of abelian varieties in towers of number fields. Given an abelian variety defined over a number field F with good ordinary reduction at the primes above p, Mazur showed that the rank of A is bounded in the cyclotomic
$\mathbb {Z}_p$
-extension of F. Kato and Rohlrich proved the analogous statement for all elliptic curves defined over abelian number fields, see [Reference Kato15, Reference Rohrlich24]. Alongside further developments in Iwasawa theory over larger p-adic Lie extensions, there has been significant interest in analyzing the asymptotic growth of Mordell–Weil ranks in towers. For ordinary primes, Mazur in [Reference Mazur23] formulated a precise conjecture on the growth of ranks in any
$\mathbb {Z}_p$
-extension of an imaginary quadratic field F, called the Growth number conjecture. This question has been studied in anticyclotomic extensions by Cornut [Reference Cornut4] and Vatsal [Reference Vatsal26]. A prototypical example of interest is the
$\mathbb {Z}_p^2$
$F_\infty $
of an imaginary quadratic field F. For every integer
$n\geq 1$
, set
to denote the nth layer. In this setting, it is the extension contained in
$F_\infty $
such that
$\operatorname {Gal}(F^{(n)}/F)=\left (\mathbb {Z}/p^n\mathbb {Z}\right )^2$
. For elliptic curves
, asymptotic formulas for the growth of the rank of
$n\rightarrow \infty $
have been proven by Lei and Sprung in [Reference Lei and Sprung19]. More recently, such growth questions are studied in admissible uniform pro-p extensions of number fields by Delbourgo and Lei in [Reference Delbourgo and Lei7], and by Hung and Lim in [Reference Hung and Lim14].
In this note, we employ a new strategy to study the growth of ranks in noncommutative towers. Let
$F^{(n)}_{\operatorname {cyc}}$
be the cyclotomic
$\mathbb {Z}_p$
-extension of
. We study the growth of the rank of
by analyzing the growth of the
$\lambda $
-invariant of the Selmer group over
$F^{(n)}_{ \operatorname {cyc}}$
$n\rightarrow \infty $
using a generalizations of Kida’s formula due to Hachimori and Matsuno [Reference Hachimori and Matsuno11] and Lim [Reference Lim20]. The method has several advantages. First, it is a straightforward application of Kida’s formula which a priori allows one to circumvent technicalities of noncommutative Iwasawa theory. In other words, the proof is short and can be understood without familiarity with methods in noncommutative Iwasawa theory, though it does build on previous work of Lim [Reference Lim21] which uses nontrivial results in the subject. Given an elliptic curve E over a number field F, we do however require that the Selmer group of E over the cyclotomic
$\mathbb {Z}_p$
-extension of F be cotorsion over the Iwasawa algebra and impose the
$\mathfrak {M}_H(G)$
conjecture (see [Reference Coates and Sujatha2, Reference Lim20]).
Secondly, (and perhaps more importantly) the method strengthens known results and these estimates are closer to conjectured asymptotics. The error term in the asymptotic formulas of Hung–Lim are removed in the process, and the main term is sharper (see Remark 2.8 for further details). The significance of this is illustrated for certain examples, namely,
$\mathbb {Z}_p^d$
-extensions, false Tate-curve extensions, and trivializing extensions generated by the p-primary torsion of a non-CM elliptic curve. It should be pointed out here that for
$\mathbb {Z}_p^2$
-extensions, a similar question was studied by Cuoco in [Reference Cuoco6], who studied the growth of Iwasawa invariants associated with class group towers in families of
$\mathbb {Z}_p$
-extensions contained in the composite of two
$\mathbb {Z}_p$
-extensions. The results can also be applied to prove statistical results.
(1) In Corollary 3.3, it is shown that if E is an elliptic curve defined over an imaginary quadratic field F such that E does not have complex multiplication and
$\operatorname {rank}E(F)=0$ , then the rank remains 0 is
$100\%$ of
$\mathbb {Z}_p^2$ -extensions of F.
(2) In Corollary 3.7, we consider the curve
$E=$ 11a2. It is shown that there is a positive density set of primes
$\ell $ such that
$$ \begin{align*}\operatorname{rank}E\left(\mathbb{Q}(\mu_{7^{n+1}}, \ell^{\frac{1}{7^n}})\right)\leq \lambda_7(E/\mathbb{Q}(\mu_{7^\infty}))7^n\end{align*} $$
$n>0$ .
The method employed in this paper shows that in any context in which a satisfactory generalization of Kida’s formula is proved, it should be possible to analyze the growth of
$\lambda $
-invariants in noncommutative towers. We point out that analogs of Kida’s formula have been proven for fine Selmer groups by Kundu in [Reference Kundu17]. In this particular context, the number fields are assumed to be totally real. Also, such results were proved by Hatley and Lei in the supersingular setting, see [Reference Hatley and Lei13].
2 Growth of Iwasawa invariants in towers
In this section, we introduce some preliminary notions and prove the main result of this paper.
2.1 Uniform pro-
Throughout, p will be a prime
$\geq 5$
and F a number field. Let
$F_\infty $
be an infinite Galois extension of F with pro-p Galois group
$G:=\operatorname {Gal}(F_\infty /F)$
. The lower central p-series of G is recursively defined as follows:

Definition 2.1 The group G is said to be uniform if
(1) it is finitely generated,
(2) it is powerful, i.e.,
$[G,G]\subseteq G^p$ , and
$[G_n:G_{n+1}]=[G:G_1]$ for all
$n\in \mathbb {Z}_{\geq 1}$ .
, we observe that
. Assume that G has the structure of a p-adic Lie group. We say that
$F_\infty $
is a strongly admissible p-adic Lie extension if
(1) only finitely many primes ramify in
$F_\infty $ ,
$F_\infty $ contains the cyclotomic
$\mathbb {Z}_p$ -extension
$F_{\operatorname {cyc}}$ of F, and
(3) the p-torsion subgroup of G is trivial.
We assume that
$F_\infty $
is pro-p a strongly admissible p-adic Lie extension and G is uniform. Note that
$G_{n}/G_{n+1}\simeq \left (\mathbb {Z}/p\mathbb {Z}\right )^d$
$n\in \mathbb {Z}_{\geq 1}$
. It is well known that the dimension of G is equal to d and that
, see [Reference Dixon, Du Sautoy, Mann and Segal8, Theorem 3.6]. The extension
$F_\infty $
is filtered by a tower of number fields. Setting
$F^{(n)}:=F_\infty ^{G_n}$
, consider the nonabelian tower

and let
$F^{(n)}_{\operatorname {cyc}}$
be the cyclotomic
$\mathbb {Z}_p$
-extension of
. We have thus filtered the extension
$F_\infty $
into a tower of cyclotomic
$\mathbb {Z}_p$

$H:=\operatorname {Gal}(F_\infty /F_{\operatorname {cyc}})$
$\Gamma :=G/H\simeq \mathbb {Z}_p$
. For
$n\in \mathbb {Z}_{\geq 1}$
, we write
$\Gamma _n$
) for the descending central series of H (resp.
$\Gamma $
). We list a few useful facts.
Lemma 2.2 The following assertions hold:
(1) The normal subgroup H is uniform with
$(d-1)$ generators, and
$H_n$ is identified with
$H\cap G_n$ .
$\Gamma _n$ is identified with
$G_n/H_n$ .
Proof See [Reference Dixon, Du Sautoy, Mann and Segal8, Theorem 3.6] and [Reference Hung and Lim14, Lemma 2.6] for further details.▪
As a result, we have that
$F^{(n)}_{\operatorname {cyc}}=F_\infty ^{H_n}$
and hence,

$\Gamma _n=G_n/H_n$
, we have that
$\Gamma _n=\operatorname {Gal}(F^{(n)}_{\operatorname {cyc}}/F^{(n)})$
. We now introduce the Iwasawa-algebra at the nth level, taken to be

where L ranges over all number fields contained in between
$F^{(n)}_{\operatorname {cyc}}$
. Choose a topological generator
$\gamma _n$
$\Gamma _n$
and fix the isomorphism
$\gamma _n-1$
to x.
More generally, if
$\mathcal {G}$
is any pro-p group, set

where U ranges over all finite index normal subgroups of
$\mathcal {G}$
. Given a number field F, we set
$\Lambda _F:=\Lambda \left (\operatorname {Gal}(F_{\operatorname {cyc}}/F)\right )$
2.2 Iwasawa invariants
Let M be a cofinitely generated cotorsion

-module, i.e., the Pontryagin-dual
$M^{\vee }:=\operatorname {Hom}(M, \mathbb {Q}_p/\mathbb {Z}_p)$
is a finitely generated and torsion

-module. Recall that a polynomial

is said to be distinguished if it is a monic polynomial whose nonleading coefficients are all divisible by p. Note that all height
prime ideals of

are principal ideals
, where
, where
is an irreducible distinguished polynomial. According to the structure theorem for

-modules (see [Reference Washington27, Theorem 13.12]),
$M^{\vee }$
is pseudo-isomorphic to a finite direct sum of cyclic

-modules, i.e., there is a map

with finite kernel and cokernel. Here,
$\mu _i>0$
, and
is an irreducible distinguished polynomial. Furthermore, the numbers
$\mu _1, \dots , \mu _s$
and irreducible distinguished polynomials
$g_1(x),\dots , g_t(x)$
are uniquely determined. The characteristic ideal of
$M^\vee $
is (up to a unit) generated by

$\mu $
-invariant of M is defined as the power of p in
. More precisely,

$\lambda $
-invariant of M is the degree of the characteristic element, i.e.,

Since the numbers
$\mu _i$
and polynomials
are uniquely determined by M, the
$\mu $
$\lambda $
-invariants determined above are well defined.
Let F be a number field and E an elliptic curve over F with good ordinary reduction at all primes of F above p. Denote by
$\operatorname {Sel}_{p^\infty }(E/F_{\operatorname {cyc}})$
the p-primary Selmer group of E over
$F_{\operatorname {cyc}}$
(see [Reference Coates and Sujatha1] for further details). Suppose
$\operatorname {Sel}_{p^\infty }(E/F_{\operatorname {cyc}})$
that is a cotorsion
$\Lambda _F$
-module, we set
$\mu _p(E/F)$
$\lambda _p(E/F)$
to denote the
$\mu $
$\lambda $
-invariant of
$\operatorname {Sel}_{p^\infty }(E/F_{\operatorname {cyc}})$
respectively, when viewed as a module over
$\Lambda _F$
. We fix a strongly admissible pro-p, uniform, p-adic Lie extension
$F_\infty /F$
and let
$\operatorname {Sel}_{p^\infty }(E/F_\infty )$
be the Selmer group of E over
$F_\infty $
(see [Reference Lim21] for the definition). Throughout, we make the following assumption.
Assumption 2.3 With notation as above, assume that
$\operatorname {Sel}_{p^\infty }(E/F_\infty )$
satisfies the
$\mathfrak {M}_H(G)$
-conjecture. In greater detail, set
$X(E/F_\infty )$
to be the Pontryagin dual of
$\operatorname {Sel}_{p^\infty }(E/F_\infty )$
. We assume that

is finitely generated as a
$\Lambda (H)$
2.3 An analogue of Kida’s formula
Hachimori and Matsuno in [Reference Hachimori and Matsuno11] proved an analogue of Kida’s formula for Selmer groups of elliptic curves. We recall this result and a refinement due to Lim. Let F be a number field and
an elliptic curve. Let
be a finite Galois extension such that
$\operatorname {Gal}(L/F)$
is a p-group. Let
$P_1(E, L_{\operatorname {cyc}})$
$P_2(E, L_{\operatorname {cyc}})$
) be the set of primes
$\eta \nmid p$
$L_{\operatorname {cyc}}$
that are ramified in the extension
$L_{\operatorname {cyc}}/K_{\operatorname {cyc}}$
, at which E has split multiplicative reduction (resp. E has good reduction and
$E(L_{\operatorname {cyc},\eta })[p]\neq 0$
). Given a prime
$\eta $
$L_{\operatorname {cyc}}$
, set
$e_{L_{\operatorname {cyc}}/K_{\operatorname {cyc}}}(\eta )$
to denote the ramification index of
$\eta $
with respect to the extension
$L_{\operatorname {cyc}}/K_{\operatorname {cyc}}$
Theorem 2.4 (Lim)
$p\geq 5$
be a prime number, F a number field and
an elliptic curve with good ordinary reduction at all primes of F above p. Let
be a Galois extension for which
$\operatorname {Gal}(L/F)$
is a p-group. Assume that there is a pro-p strongly admissible p-adic Lie extension
$F_\infty /F$
such that
$F_\infty $ contains L.
(2) Assumption 2.3 is satisfied.
Then, the following assertions hold
$\operatorname {Sel}_{p^\infty }(E/L_{\operatorname {cyc}})$ is cotorsion over the Iwasawa algebra
$\Lambda _L$ ,
$\mu _p(E/L)=[L:K]\mu _p(E/K)$ , and
$$ \begin{align*}\lambda_p(E/L)\,{=}\,&[L_{\operatorname{cyc}}:K_{\operatorname{cyc}}]\lambda_p(E/K)+\sum_{\eta\in P_1(E/L_{\operatorname{cyc}})} \left(e_{L_{\operatorname{cyc}}/K_{\operatorname{cyc}}}(\eta)-1\right)\\&+2\sum_{\eta\in P_2(E/L_{\operatorname{cyc}})} \left(e_{L_{\operatorname{cyc}}/K_{\operatorname{cyc}}}(\eta)-1\right).\end{align*} $$
Proof The result as stated follows from the results in [Reference Lim21], as we now explain. Note that since it is assumed that the Selmer group of E over
$F_\infty $
satisfies the
$\mathfrak {M}_H(G)$
-conjecture, it follows from [Reference Coates and Sujatha2, Proposition 2.5] that
$\operatorname {Sel}_{p^\infty }(E/L_{\operatorname {cyc}})$
is cotorsion over
$\Lambda _L$
. First, we reduce to the case when
$K_{\operatorname {cyc}}\cap L=K$
, i.e.,
$[L:K]=[L_{\operatorname {cyc}}:K_{\operatorname {cyc}}]$
. Letting
$K'=K_{\operatorname {cyc}}\cap L$
, it is easy to see that if the result holds for the extensions
, then it holds for
First, we prove that the result holds for
. It is a simple exercise to show that
$\mu _p(E/K')=[K':K] \mu _p(E/K)$
. Furthermore
$\lambda _p(E/K')$
is the
$\mathbb {Z}_p$
-corank of
$\operatorname {Sel}_{p^\infty }(E/K^{\prime }_{\operatorname {cyc}})$
. Since
is contained in
$K_{\operatorname {cyc}}$
, we have that
$K^{\prime }_{\operatorname {cyc}}=K_{\operatorname {cyc}}$
. Therefore,
$\lambda _p(E/K')$
is equal to
$\lambda _p(E/K)$
. Thus, the result is shown to hold for
and it suffices to prove the result for
. Upon replacing K with
, we thus reduce to the case when
$[L:K]=[L_{\operatorname {cyc}}:K_{\operatorname {cyc}}]$
. In this setting, the result follows from [Reference Lim21, Theorem 4.1 and Section 5]. Indeed the decomposition conditions in loc. cit. are equivalent to the conditions on
Remark 2.5 It should be noted here that in Section 5 of [Reference Lim21] an additional assumption is made, namely that F contains the pth roots of unity. This assumption is in place to guarantee the existence of an admissible p-adic Lie extension of L, see Lemma 4.2 of loc. cit. Since we have assumed that such an admissible p-adic Lie extension
$F_\infty /L$
exists to begin with, there is no need for this additional assumption.
2.4 Main result
Let E be an elliptic curve over a number field F with good ordinary reduction at all primes above p. Throughout, we shall make the following assumption.
We introduce some further notation. Let
$Q_1=Q_1(E,F_\infty )$
$Q_2=Q_2(E,F_\infty )$
) be the set of primes
$w\nmid p$
$F_{\operatorname {cyc}}$
that are ramified in
$F_\infty $
, at which E has split multiplicative reduction (resp. E has good reduction and
$E(F_{\operatorname {cyc},w})[p]\neq 0$
). We stress here that
consist of subsets of primes of
$F_{\operatorname {cyc}}$
and not
$F_\infty $
. Recall that it is stipulated that only finitely many primes ramify in
$F_\infty $
, and since all primes are finitely decomposed in
$F_{\operatorname {cyc}}$
, it follows that
are finite. For
, we set
Theorem 2.6 Let n be a positive integer. Suppose that the conditions of Assumption 2.3 hold, then,
$\operatorname {Sel}_{p^\infty }(E/F^{(n)}_{\operatorname {cyc}})$
is a cotorsion
$\Lambda _{F^{(n)}}$
-module, with

Furthermore, we have that

Proof According to Theorem 2.4,
$\operatorname {Sel}_{p^\infty }(E/F^{(n)}_{\operatorname {cyc}})$
is a cotorsion module over
$\Lambda _{F^{(n)}}$
and the
$\mu $
-invariant is given by

Furthermore, the
$\lambda $
-invariant is

is the ramification index of w in
$F^{(n)}_{\operatorname {cyc}}/F_{\operatorname {cyc}}$
are the set of primes of
$F^{(n)}_{\operatorname {cyc}}$
defined as follows:

Since p is odd, the primes
lie above
, therefore,

Choose a prime
$w_0\in P_i$
above v. Since
is the same for all primes
, we have that

According to Lemma 2.2, H is uniform with
generators. Note that
$[F^{(n)}_{\operatorname {cyc}}:F_{\operatorname {cyc}}]=[H:H_n]=p^{(d-1)n}$
. Since pro-p tame inertia is generated by a single element, it follows that
$e(w_0)\leq p^{n}$
. Putting it all together, the result follows.▪
Theorem 2.7 Let E be an elliptic curve defined over a number field F and
$F_\infty $
a uniform pro-p extension of F satisfying aforementioned conditions and suppose that the Selmer group over
$F_{\operatorname {cyc}}$
is cotorsion as a
-module. Then, we have the following bound

Proof The result immediately follows from Theorem 2.6 and the inequality

see [Reference Greenberg10, Theorem 1.9].▪
Remark 2.8 The estimate above is stronger than [Reference Hung and Lim14, Theorem 3.1]. The error term is
and their method used relies on the work of Harris. In greater detail, [Reference Harris12, Theorem 1.10] is the key result used in the estimate in [Reference Hung and Lim14, Lemma 3.3]. Note however, that the error estimate of Hung–Lim is known to be 0 under certain additional constraints. Namely, if certain cohomology groups vanish and the p-torsion group
$E(F_\infty )(p)$
is finite, see [Reference Hung and Lim14, Theorem 3.2] and the remark following it. If
$F_\infty $
contains the extension
$F(E[p^\infty ])$
generated by the p-primary torsion of E, then the error term of Hung–Lim is nonzero, even under additional assumptions. Also, even when the error term of Hung–Lim is 0, the the estimate above is strictly better when
is nonzero.
The improvement in the bound has some nontrivial consequences, which we shall explain in the next section. The following is a Corollary to Theorem 2.6 and is entirely unconditional.
Corollary 2.9 Let E and
$F_\infty $
be as in Theorem 2.7. Assume that

$\operatorname {Sel}_{p^\infty }(E/F^{(n)}_{\operatorname {cyc}})=0$
for all n.
Proof Since the
$\mu $
$\mu _p(E/F)=0$
, it follows that
$\mathfrak {M}_H(G)$
is satisfied for
$F_\infty $
, see [Reference Coates and Sujatha2, Theorem 2.1]. By Theorem 2.6, it follows that the
$\mu $
$\lambda $
-invariants of
$\operatorname {Sel}_{p^\infty }(E/F^{(n)}_{\operatorname {cyc}})$
, hence,
$\operatorname {Sel}_{p^\infty }(E/F^{(n)}_{\operatorname {cyc}})$
is finite. On the other hand, this Selmer does not contain any finite index submodules (see [Reference Greenberg9, Proposition 4.14]), hence, must be 0.▪
3 Special cases
In this section, we study special cases of Theorem 2.7. Assume throughout that the Assumption 2.3 is satisfied. Recall from the proof of Theorem 2.4 that this in particular implies that
$\operatorname {Sel}_{p^\infty }(E/L)$
is cotorsion over
$\Lambda _L$
for every number field extension
contained in
$F_\infty $
$\mathbb {Z}_p^d$
Throughout this subsection, F will be an abelian number field and
$E_{/\mathbb {Q}}$
an elliptic curve with good ordinary reduction at p. Let
$F_\infty $
be the composite of all
$\mathbb {Z}_p$
-extensions of F, note that
$G=\operatorname {Gal}(F_\infty /F)\simeq \mathbb {Z}_p^d$
, where
. For instance, when F is an imaginary quadratic field, then, this gives a
$\mathbb {Z}_p^2$
-extension of F. To emphasize the dependence on the prime p, we denote the extension by
$F_\infty (p)$
. On the other hand, it follows from results of Kato and Rohlrich [Reference Hachimori and Matsuno11, Theorem 2.2] that the Selmer group
$\operatorname {Sel}_{p^\infty }(E/F_\infty )$
is cotorsion as a
-module. It is well known that any
$\mathbb {Z}_p$
-extension is unramified away from p (see [Reference Washington27]), hence, the composite of such extensions has the same property. Let us state a few Corollaries to Theorem 2.7, the first of which gives a simple criterion for the rank to be zero throughout the
$\mathbb {Z}_p^d$
Corollary 3.1 Let E be as above and assume that
$\lambda _p(E/F_{\operatorname {cyc}})=0$
. Then,

for all
$n\in \mathbb {Z}_{\geq 1}$

Proof Note that since E has good ordinary reduction at the primes above p and

the Mordell–Weil rank of E is 0. Since
$F_\infty $
is unramified at all primes
$w\nmid p$
, the quantities
in Theorem 2.7 are both equal to 0.▪
Remark 3.2 When F is an imaginary quadratic field and E is a CM elliptic curve over F, the result of Hung–Lim in the above context shall imply that the rank in bounded in the tower, however, not identically 0. In the more general case, their result implies that the growth is
unless certain homology groups are known to vanish, see the discussion after [Reference Hung and Lim14, Theorem 3.2].
Example: Picking an elliptic curve
$E_{/\mathbb {Q}}$
at random, there are typically some primes at which
is residually reducible as a Galois module. At these primes, it is possible that the
$\mu $
$\mu _p(E/\mathbb {Q})$
does not vanish. For instance, let’s pick the elliptic curve of smallest conductor with cremona label 11a2. We find that E has good ordinary reduction at
$\mu _5(E/\mathbb {Q})=2$
$\lambda _5(E/\mathbb {Q})=0$
. Suppose that there is an imaginary quadratic field
$F/\mathbb {Q}$
in which
$\operatorname {rank} E(F)=0$
$\lambda _5(E/F)=0$
as well. Let
$F_\infty $
be the
$\mathbb {Z}_p^2$
-extension of F. Then, indeed, since
$\mu _5(E/F)\geq 2$
, the above result implies that

for all
$n\geq 1$
, however, the rank of
throughout. Unfortunately, the author is not aware of any existing computer packages that can compute the
$\lambda $
-invariant over an imaginary quadratic field.
Corollary 3.3 Let
$E_{/\mathbb {Q}}$
be an elliptic curve and F an abelian number field satisfying
$\operatorname {rank} E(F)=0$ and
(2) E does not have complex multiplication.
Then, for
of primes p at which E has good ordinary reduction,

Proof In her thesis [Reference Kundu16, Theorem 5.1.1], Kundu generalized a result of Greenberg to show that the proportion of primes p such that
(1) E has good ordinary reduction at the primes of F above p and
$\operatorname {Sel}_{p^\infty }(E/F_{\operatorname {cyc}})=0$ ,
. The result follows from this and Corollary 3.1.▪
The following is a special case of [Reference Hung and Lim14, Conjecture 1].
Conjecture 3.4 [Reference Hung and Lim14, Conjecture 1’]
Let E be an elliptic curve over an imaginary quadratic field F,
$p\geq 5$
a prime and
$F_\infty $
be the
$\mathbb {Z}_p^2$
-extension of F. Assume that the following conditions are satisfied:
(1) E has good ordinary reduction at all primes above p and
(2) Assumption 2.3 is satisfied.
Then, we have that
$\operatorname {rank} E(F^{(n)})\leq \operatorname {rank} E(F_{\operatorname {cyc}}) p^{n}$
for all
$n\geq 1$
Corollary 3.5 Consider the setting of the above conjecture. Under Assumption 2.3, the Theorem 2.7 specializes to give that

Thus, the Conjecture is true when

Remark 3.6 Note that
$\lambda _p(E/F)\geq \operatorname {rank} E(F^{(n)})$
for all n and hence,
$\lambda _p(E/F)\geq \operatorname {rank} E(F_{\operatorname {cyc}})$
. Indeed, it can be expected that
$\lambda _p(E/F)=\operatorname {rank} E(F)$
of primes above which E has good ordinary reduction. There is much evidence pointing towards this expectation for elliptic curves defined over the rationals, see [Reference Kundu and Ray18]. We do expect that similar arguments do carry over to elliptic curves over imaginary quadratic fields.
3.2 False-Tate curve extensions
$\ell $
be a finite set of prime numbers that are coprime to p and let
$F_\infty $
be the False-Tate curve extension of
$F=\mathbb {Q}(\mu _p)$
, given by

In other words, it is the extension obtained by adjoining all p-power roots of
$\ell $
. It is easy to see that
$F_\infty /F$
is a uniform pro-p extension of F of dimension
. Thus Theorem 2.7 specializes to give us that

Let us compute the values of
for a given example. We note that it is difficult to compute
$\lambda _p(E/F)$
due to the base change to
$F=\mathbb {Q}(\mu _p)$
Example: We pick an elliptic curve and prime at random. Let
11a2 in Cremona label and
. The elliptic curve is defined over
$\mathbb {Q}$
and we consider its base change to
$F=\mathbb {Q}(\mu _7)$
. It follows from Assumption 2.3 and from the proof of Theorem 2.4 that
$\operatorname {Sel}_{7^\infty }(E/\mathbb {Q}(\mu _{7^\infty }))$
is cotorsion over
$\Lambda _F$
. Note that since F is an abelian extension of
$\mathbb {Q}$
, the cotorsion property of the Selmer group (over
$\Lambda _F$
) also follows from results due to Kato, see [Reference Kato15]. The image of the residual representation at
$\operatorname {SL}_2(\mathbb {F}_7)$
, as stated in the link provided. Hence, after base change to
$\mathbb {Q}(\mu _7)$
the image of the residual representation will still contain
$\operatorname {SL}_2(\mathbb {F}_7)$
. It is thus reasonable to expect that the
$\mu $
$\mu _7(E/F)=0$
, however, this is difficult to prove and needs to be assumed. Consider the False Tate extension

Then, E has split multiplicative reduction at
, hence
, however,
. Since
$11^3\equiv 1\mod {7}$
$11^3\not \equiv 1\mod {49}$
, there are precisely two primes above
$F_{\operatorname {cyc}}=\mathbb {Q}(\mu _{7^\infty })$
. It follows that
. Putting it all together, we find that

Next, we prove a statistical result.
Corollary 3.7 Consider the elliptic curve
from the example above and set
. There is a positive density set of primes
$\ell $
such that

for any integer
$n\geq 1$
Proof For each prime number
$\ell $
such that
$\ell \equiv 1\mod {7}$
, let
$F_\infty ^{(\ell )}$
denote the extension
$\mathbb {Q}(\mu _{7^\infty }, \ell ^{\frac {1}{7^\infty }})$
. Note that
$\ell $
splits in
$\mathbb {Q}(\mu _7)$
and the only prime other than
that ramifies in
$F_\infty ^{(\ell )}$
$\ell $
. Since E has bad reduction at only finitely many primes, we deduce that
for all extensions
$F_\infty ^{(\ell )}$
except for finitely many choices of
$\ell $
. Recall that
consists of the primes
$w\nmid 7$
$F_{\operatorname {cyc}}$
that are ramified in
$F_\infty $
, such that E has good reduction at w and
$E(F_{\operatorname {cyc},w})[7]\neq 0$
. Since the formal group of E at w is pro-
$\ell $
$E(F_{\operatorname {cyc},w})[7]\simeq E(k_w)[7]$
, where
is the residue field of
$F_{\operatorname {cyc},w}$
. Since
is a
-extension of
$\mathbb {F}_\ell $
, it follows that
$E(k_w)[7]\neq 0$
if and only if
$E(\mathbb {F}_\ell )[7]\neq 0$
. Thus, the prime w lies in
if the following conditions are satisfied:
$w|\ell $ ,
(2) E has good reduction at
$\ell $ , and
$E(\mathbb {F}_\ell )[7]\neq 0$ .
This latter condition is satisfied for
$\frac {1}{7}$
of all primes
$\ell $
, see [Reference Cojocaru3, Section 2] for further details. We show that a similar application of the Chebotarev density theorem shows that for a positive proportion of the primes
$\ell $
, both
. Note that if a prime
$\ell $
splits in
$\mathbb {Q}(\mu _7)$
precisely when
$\ell \equiv 1\mod {7}$
. Let
$\bar {\rho }:\operatorname {Gal}(\bar {\mathbb {Q}}/\mathbb {Q})\rightarrow \operatorname {GL}_2(\mathbb {F}_7)$
be the Galois representation on the
-torsion points
. Denote by
$\mathbb {Q}(\bar {\rho })$
the number field fixed by the kernel of
$\bar {\rho }$
. Note that
$\operatorname {det}\bar {\rho }$
is the mod-
cyclotomic character, which we denote by
$\bar {\chi }$
. Therefore, the field
$\mathbb {Q}(\bar {\rho })$
$\mathbb {Q}(\mu _7)$
, which is the field fixed by the kernel of
$\bar {\chi }$
. Let
$\ell \neq 7$
be a prime at which E has good reduction, note that
$\bar {\rho }$
is unramified at
$\ell $
. Let
$\sigma _\ell \in \operatorname {Gal}\left (\mathbb {Q}(\bar {\rho })/\mathbb {Q}\right )$
denote the Frobenius element at
$\ell $
, it is well known that the characteristic polynomial of
$\bar {\rho }(\sigma _\ell )$
is given by

Thus, if
$\ell $
is a prime such that

$\ell $
splits in
$\mathbb {Q}(\mu _7)$
$E(\mathbb {F}_\ell )[7]= 0$
. We show that there is a positive density set of primes
$\ell $
satisfying the above conditions (3.1). According to the LMFDB Database [Reference Cremona, Jones, Sutherland and Voight5], the image of
$\bar {\rho }$
$\operatorname {SL}_2(\mathbb {F}_7)$
. Thus there is
$\sigma \in \operatorname {Gal}(\mathbb {Q}(\bar {\rho })/\mathbb {Q})$
such that
$\bar {\rho }(\sigma )= \left ( {\begin {array}{cc} 2 & 1 \\ 1 & 1 \\ \end {array} } \right )$
, and thus satisfies (3.1). According to the Chebotarev density theorem, there is a positive proportion of primes such that
$\sigma _\ell =\sigma $
, and thus,
$\bar {\rho }(\sigma _\ell )= \left ( {\begin {array}{cc} 2 & 1 \\ 1 & 1 \\ \end {array} } \right )$
. As a result, there is a positive density set of primes
$\ell $
such that
are both zero, and this completes the proof.▪
3.3 The field generated by torsion points
We come to the example in which
$F_\infty $
is the field
$\mathbb {Q}(E[p^\infty ])$
, i.e., the field generated by the p-primary torsion points of E. Assume that E does not have complex multiplication. Then, by Serre’s Open image theorem (see [Reference Serre25, Section 4 and Theorem 3]), G is a finite index subgroup of
$\operatorname {GL}_2(\mathbb {Z}_p)$
and it follows from this that the dimension of G is
. In this setting,
$F=\mathbb {Q}(E[p])$
, and
$F^{(n)}=\mathbb {Q}(E[p^{n+1}])$
. We find that

is simply the number of primes
$\ell \neq p$
at which E has split multiplicative reduction, and
. On the other hand, according to [Reference Hung and Lim14, Remark after Theorem 3.2] the result of Hung–Lim [Reference Hung and Lim14, Theorem 3.2] gives

when the whole dual Selmer group
$\mathscr {X}(E/F_\infty )$
is finitely generated over
$\Lambda (H)$
The author is grateful to Debanjana Kundu for pointing out an inaccuracy in the previous draft. The author also thank the anonymous referee for a timely and thorough reading of the manuscript and for suggestion various pertinent corrections.