Published online by Cambridge University Press: 20 November 2018
A completely regular HausdorfT space is extra countably compact if every infinite subset of βX has an accumulation point in X. It is a theorem of Comfort and Waiveris that if X either an F-space or realcompact (topologically complete), then there is a set {Pξ:ξ<2C} of extra countably compact (countably compact) subspaces of αX such that Pξ ∩ Pξ = X, for ξ<ξ'<2C. Comfort and Waiveris conjecture that in all three cases, the spaces may be chosen pairwise non-homeomorphic. We prove this conjecture, using D- limits and weak P-points. We also give a partial solution to another question asked by Comfort and Waiveris.