Published online by Cambridge University Press: 11 February 2009
Circumstances have allowed me to inspect the Paris MSS. of Strabo and to collate them for a portion of Book IX. (namely, from c. 4. 18, μéγιοτον δη κ παλαιóτον to the end), in view of an edition of Strabo's Thessaly which Mr. A. J. B. Wace has in contemplation.
page 15 note 1 The two Vatican palimpsests are Vat. gr 2061 and 2285. Cozza's publications consist of 1875, Dell' antico codice della Geografia di Strabone; 1888, Della Gfografia di Strabone, parts i, 2 and 3; 1896, 1897 and 1898, articles in the journal Studi e documenti di storia e diritto, Rome, vols. xvii.-xix. I owe these details to the kindness of Mons. Mercati… The periodical is accessible, and the tract of 1875 is obtainable. The 1888 publication cannot be found.
page 16 note 1 See Förster, , Rh. Mus., I.c. 486; and infra, p. 23.Google Scholar
page 16 note 2 See on the Falconers the Dictionary of National Biography. William (1801–1885), son of the second Thomas, was part author of an English translation published by Bohn, 1854 sqq.
page 16 note 3 ‘Dédecin, puis professeur de langues orientales au Collège de France, bibliothécaire à la Bibliothèque nationale le 17 brumair an II (18 novembre, 1793), dénonciateur de ses nouveaux collegues l'abbé Barthelémy et Van Praët, proscrit par Directoire au 18 fructidor (1797), en dernier lieu professeur d'histoire naturelle, d'humanites et de mathématiques à l'École centraled 'Angoulême. II etait ne à Senlis vers 1732, et mourut a Angoulême le 7 octobre, 1809.’ See Guérard, J. M., La France littéraire, Paris, 1833, vol. 2, pp. 78, 79Google ScholarPaulin, Paris, Notice sur van Praët; Essai historique sur la Bibliothèque Roi, par Le Prince, nouvelle éd. par Louis Paris, 1886, pp. 405, 407, 413; Nouvelle Biographie gérale, 1862, t. xxx., col. 314–316. (Information received from M. Léon Dorez.)Google Scholar
page 16 note 4 ‘La Porte du Theil (Fr.-J.-G.) conservateur des manuscrits grecs et latins, de 1795 à 1815.’ Inventaire Sommaire des manuscrits grecs de la Bibliothèque nationale, par Henri Omont, I. xix.
page 17 note 1 A small portion of the beginning (as far as Και Tŵο Tοι Tων) is given on half a page (f. 13v.) of the British Museum Add. MS. 19391 (s. xv., membr.), which contains the same authors as in Gelenius.
page 17 note 2 The rulings, as often in paper MSS., were intended to serve one for two pages, the lower page receiving a fainter impression. The quire was ruled when in page-forti. Normally in this MS. the ruling was done in a given quire on f. 2 v. f. 3 v., and f. 6 v. 7 r. (there are, however, variations, as in the 4th). In quire (1) the actual. 2 recto is sharply ruled; it was therefore f. 3 of the original quire, and the actual f. 1 (on which the ruling, which must have been sharp, is mostly obliterated from exposure) was the original f. 2. A page therefore has disappeared before the actual f. 1.
page 18 note l This unusual accuracy seems to point to a rearrangement of the book.
page 18 note 2 With the exception of f. i n, the last of the trinion, where there is no trace of the wormhole. This leaf (which ends Book VIII.) was perhaps added by m. 2, but in the actual state of the MS. it is impossible to be certain.
page 19 note 1 ‘Sevin l'abbé François, né à Villeneuve-le-Roi en 1682, mort à Paris le 12 septembre 1741, voyageur en Turquie de 1728 a 1730, et en rapporta environ 600 manuscrits grecsj pour la Bibliotheque du roi.’ Inventaire Sommaire, as above. An account of his acquisitions in the East is given in Delisle, Cabinet des Manu scrits, I, 380 sqq.
page 20 note 1 See f. 152 in Omont's, M.Fac-similés des plus widens Manuscrits Grecs de la Bibliotheqve Nationale, pi. XL.Google Scholar
page 21 note 1 Compare a similar omission in the Etonensis (p. 25)
page 22 note 1 This promise was only carried out as regards one leaf (192), which is attached to the page by a lying wing of goldbeater's skin.
page 24 note 1 A Descriptive Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Library of Eton College. By Montague, Rhodes James, Litt.D., 1895.Google Scholar