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AΓan and Λian in Attic
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 27 October 2009

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- Copyright © The Classical Association 1938
page 7 note 1 The figures are in most cases taken from indices (with additions or corrections wherever necessary); in the absence of an index to an author, the figures are mine.
page 7 note 2 For the repetition of λίαν in prose, see Aeschines III 53; among the poets, Euripides has some noteworthy instances of the repetition of λίαν and of the association of ἄγαν and λίαν in Ale. 805–811, Med. 526–583, Heracl. 203 f., Andr. 866–868, Iph. Taur. 721 f., Or. 705–708 ; cf. also the repetition of ἄγαν and γαν in Plato, Menex. 247e-248b.
page 7 note 3 This figure includes Wilamowitz's supplement in Melanippe the Wise (von Arnim, Suppl. Eurip. p. 24). ύπερáγαν imtpayav comes in tmesis in Med. 627.
page 7 note 4 See Diels, Die Vorsokr., Kritias fr. 25. Dion. Hal. de Lys. 2 mentions Critias as a icavav of Attic diction.
page 7 note 5 Krauss, , Aesch. Socr. Rell. p. 59Google Scholar, is not unwilling to ascribe to Aeschines some lines in Plut. de red. rat. aud. 4 containing the words λίαν áρεσΤóσ apeoros, but they probably belong to Plutarch himself.
page 7 note 6 ἄγαν appears in Oecon. 11, 18; Sympos. 2, 18; 2, 25 ; 4, 37 ; Anab. VII 6, 39; Cyrop. I 6, 34; Resp. Laced. 2, 6; Vectig. 4, 39; 5, 6; de Re Equestr. 1, 4 (bis); 5, 9; 6, 9 (bis); 9, 12 ; 10, 12 (bis); 11, 12 (bis) ; 12, 1. Xiav appears in Hellen. Ill 1, 26, IV 2, 13, VI 5, 29; Oecon. 20, 21 ; Anab.Vl 1, 28, VII 6, 23 ; Cyrop. II 3, 13; Hipparch. 5, 15 ; de Re Equestr. 12, 1 ; Cyneg. 4, 1 ; 5, 14. [λίαν also appears in an interpolated passage Hellen. II 1, 9, and as f. l. in Agesil. 5, 4.]
page 7 note 7 Ast's figures, with the addition of [λίαν in Protag. 338A; to these only provisional acceptance may be given.
page 7 note 8 άγανappears also in [Dem.] XXV 93, λίαν in [Dem.] pr. LIII 4 and epist. Ill 37.
page 7 note 9 Aesch. Ill 53 repeats the phrase of Isaeus VIII 34 λίαν óµολογούµολσΤα which has a colloquial ring. Contrast Τών µáλισΤα óµολογουµένων, in Xen. Memor. IV 6, 15.
page 9 note 1 [Dem.] XXV 93 has άγαν with an adjective.
page 9 note 2 Edmonds Lyra Graeca I p. 244 (Berl. Klassikertexte P9722. 4) and p. 257 (quotation from Clearch. ap. Athen. XII 554b) gives two possible examples of άγαν in Sappho.