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Hot Weather in the Classics
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 27 October 2009

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- Review Article
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- Copyright © The Classical Association 1927
page 97 note 1 Op. et dies, 289.
page 97 note 2 Hor. Carm. III. 6, 24. Of course this does not mean, as tasteless commentators used to suppose, ‘from the time (i.e., youth) when the nails are tender’ (when are they not, especially in a woman?), but ‘from the very marrow,’ as linger and Orelli saw; cf. the girl in Automedon's epigram, A.P. V. 129, i.e., she is steeped in the Charleston to the very marrow of her bones.
page 97 note 3 K 572 ff. See, for the views of Bergk, , Ameis-Hentze, , Krit. u. exegetischer Anhang, IV. Heft, p. 39Google Scholar. Shewan, , Lay of Dolon, p. 227Google Scholar, does not deign to reply to such stuff.
page 98 note 1 Nemeans IV. 4.
page 98 note 2 Donatus, Vit. Verg. 8. Heat killed Vergil inthe end; dum Megara … feruentissimo sole cognoscit languorem nactus est, ibid. 35.
page 98 note 3 Aeneid. IX 812.
page 98 note 4 As Ψ 715.
page 98 note 5 Frag. 2 Bergk, line 13; that the loversfare sitting near, but not touching each other, appears from line 2.
page 99 note 1 Cic. in Verr. II. 5, 30.
page 99 note 2 Ibid. 27.
page 99 note 3 Hellen. III. 4, 19=Agesil. I. 28.
page 99 note 4 Lectures on Greek Poetry, p. 74.
page 99 note 5 Amores II. 4, 39; for Corinna's pink and white complexion, see ibid. 5, 37.
page 99 note 6 Ibid. 8, 22.
page 99 note 7 Hor. Epod. II. 41.
page 99 note 8 Verg. Ed. II. 16.
page 99 note 9 Suppl. 154.
page 99 note 10 Agam. 565.
page 100 note 1 Hymn. V. 71–4.
page 100 note 2 Idyll. VII. 22.
page 100 note 3 Ecl. II. 13.
page 100 note 4 John 13, 10.
page 100 note 5 Soph. Ant. 256, .
page 100 note 6 Carm. I. 28, 36.
page 100 note 8 Aen. XII. 407.
page 100 note 9 Aeneidea IV., p. 294.
page 101 note 1 Aesch. Sept. c. Theb. 80. And so Suppl. 180, , which has details in precisely the right order.
page 101 note 2 Hor. Carm. II. I, 22.
page 101 note 3 Catullus, LIV. 2.
page 101 note 4 Thucydides, VII. 84, 2 ff.
page 101 note 5 Thebais, IV. 808 ff.
page 102 note 1 Frontinus, de aquis, I. 10.
page 102 note 2 Siluae, I. 3, 70.
page 103 note 1 Apollinaris Sidonius II. 2, 8.
page 103 note 2 Ibid. 2.
page 103 note 3 Cypr. ad Donat. I.
page 103 note 4 Plat. Phaedr. 229A ff.; Cic. de orat. I. 28;cf. de legg. II. 6.
page 103 note 5 [Theokr.] VI11.53–56: the only variant is the miswriting Σικελιν for Σικελν; the scholiast read ἥσομαι for ᾄσμαι.
page 104 note 1 Op. et dies, 588.
page 104 note 2 Ecl. VII. 45.
page 104 note 3 Ibid. V. 45.
page 104 note 4 Verg. Eel. III. 56.
page 104 note 5 Hor. Epp. I. 20, 19.