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Lang's Homer and His Age - Homer and his Age. By Andrew Lang. Longmans, 1906. Pp. 335. 12s. 6d.
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Published online by Cambridge University Press: 27 October 2009

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- Copyright © The Classical Association 1907
page 17 note 1 Diodorus i. 12 will not have γλαυκ⋯πις mean blue-eyed : .
page 18 note 1 I regret that in the Oxford Iliad on B 558 it is said, ‘ Ar. videtur non legisse.’ The reverse is the case: he athetised it, and you cannot athetise what you do not read. I have collected the evidence, C.R. 1901, p. 9. Aristarchus athetised the verse, not on the strength of the Megarian statement, but because it disagreed with other passages (, as Strabo says). Aristarchus was quite wrong, as Mr. Lang says, p. 46.
page 19 note 1 I. G. Sicil. et Ital. No. 645. I. v. 138 .
page 19 note 2 If it is necessary to prove a ‘reading public’ in ihe sixth century it is not difficult: Plato Critias 113 B (Solon's poems). Critias' grandfather must have gone back past 500 B.C.
page 20 note 1 Monumenti -Antichi dei Lincei, xiii. 1903, Plates I., II., III. By the kindness of Professor Halbherr I am enabled to reproduce this interesting vase in a book under the title The Discoveries in Crete and their bearing on the History of Ancient Civilization, which Mr. John Murray is publishing for me early this spring.
page 20 note 2 Described, but, unfortunately, not illustrated in Rendiconti dei Lincei, xii, 1903, Fast 7 and 8, p. 324.
page 20 note 3 American Journal of Archaeology, v. 1901, pp. 128–137, Figs. 2 and 3.
page 21 note 1 Quaritch, 1906, pp. 93–103 (= Archaeologia, Vol. lix). The sarcophagus (Fig. 107, p. 99) had previously been figured by Mr. Evans in J.H.S. xxi. p. 174, Fig. 50. It is wrongly referred to by Mr. Lang on p. 85 as J.H.S. xvi. The reference on p. 84 should also be to J.H.S. xxi., not xvi., and on p. 146 to J.H.S. xix. not xx.
page 21 note 2 Prehistoric Tombs, pp. 102, 112, 131, 132.
page 21 note 3 Prehistoric Tombs, pp. 112, 134. On Cremation Dr. Dörpfeld has written an article in Mélanges Nicole, 1905, pp. 95 seq. that is both suggestive and interesting, although not as yet supported by much evidence.
page 21 note 4 Od. xvi. 294; xix. 13 : .
page 21 note 5 Od. xxii. 125.
page 21 note 6 Early Age of Greece, pp. 294, 306.
page 22 note 1 Cf. Act I. Sc. 2, I. 159, with ib. 11. 1–10. Act II. Sc. 1, 1. 192, with Act I. Sc. 2, 1. 18, etc. Act III. Sc. 2, 1. 104 with ib. 1. 253. The Folio Reading ‘fifteen’ in Act II. Sc. 1, 1. 59 may possibly point to misunderstanding as to the date of the Ides. Cf. ib. 1. 40 with 1. 87.
page 22 note 2 See espc. Act IV. Sc. 5, 11. 60 seq.
page 23 note 1 Praefatio? ad? xxviii. See also Prolegomena, p. viii. and a letter to Bekker, quoted in Ludwich's Aristarch's Homerische Textkritik, vol. ii. p. 230.