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Notes upon Greek Manuscripts in Italian Libraries
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 27 October 2009

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- Copyright © The Classical Association 1889
1 The history of one of Valla's most famous MSS. (not to be found in the Estense) is traced by Heiberg, Philologus, vol. xlii. p. 421 sq. A list of some of his MSS. seen by Janus Lascaris at Venice is given from Vat. graec. 1412 by Müller, Cewtralbl. f. Bibliothekswesen I. p. 333 sq. I regret not to have seen an article by the librarian Cavedoni on the collections of Valla and Pio, in the Memorie di Religione, di Morale e di Letieratura, ser. iii. tom. xvii. p. 212, Modena, 1854.
2 It is true that Cavedoni, ap. Clem. Alex. ed. Dindorf, Oxon. 1869, praef. p. vii., thought that another MS. of Clement was here in question; but the number of early MSS. of Clement is not large, and the absence of Pio's ex-libris so easily accounted for that, till more decisive evidence is forthcoming, the Modena MS. may be taken to be that used by Vettori.
3 I have not thought it necessary to refer to the accounts given of the Estense by successive travelers from Montfaucon downwards; but it is interesting to find in a ms.-book of D'Orville's possessed by the Bodleian (D'Orv. x. 2, 4, 31), a ‘recensio bibliothecae Mutinensis’ made by himself.
page 15 note 1 I see that ms. Vat. Pal. 90 belonged to him:— εωργíoυ τo*** κυρíoυ τo*** βεργíτζoυ (Stevenson.)
page 16 note 1 Fabricius Bibl. Graec. ed. 1809, xii. p. 46 gives an account of a Georgius Moschampar, apparently an ancestor of this scribe χαρτoφύλαξ τ***s ⋯κκλησíαs in the 13th century.
page 18 note 1 To the MS. written by him we may now add Vat. Palat. 256, a. 1449, from Sig. Stevenson' Catalogue.
page 19 note 1 Perhaps the archetype of the MS. in the Escurial Ω 1, 1, Miller Catalogue, p. 453, of which the subscription runs: Δων***τos δ Boντύρελλos ⋯ξέγραψεν ⋯πò ⋯ντιγρ⋯φoυ δ πρìν μ⋯ν κτ***μα ὑπ⋯ρχoν τo*** γεωργíoυ τo*** β⋯λλα (καì γ⋯ρ δ αὑτòs ⋯γερ⋯φει τ*** ἰδ⋯ᾳ χειι⋯) ὕστερoν τo*** ⋯πιϕφνεστ⋯τoυ ἄρχoντos ⋯λβέρτoυ π⋯oυ τo*** καρπα⋯oυ: ⋯γ⋯νετo ἔτει ⋯πò θεoγν⋯αs ᾳφκγ σκιρ ρoφoρι***νos ⋯βδóμῃ μεσo***ντos, ⋯ν K⋯ρπΨ, τo*** αὐτo*** ⋯λβ⋯ρτoυ ⋯κβληθ⋯ντos ἢδη τ***s ἰδ⋯δαs ⋯ρχ***s ὕπò τo*** σκoρπ⋯oυ τo*** μιαρωτ⋯τoυ τ***ν ζ***ων.
page 20 note 1 Prof. Vitelli's doubts (Museo Italiano, vol. i. p. 18 note) are not in this instance justified.
page 21 note 1 Was Lorenzo Loredano the son of the Doge Leonardo, who (Valentinelli I. p. 40) was procurator S. Marci de supra in 1529 ? He possessed two MSS. now in the D'Orville collection at the Bodleian, x. 1, 1, 2, Etym. Magn. s. xiv. and x. 1, 1, 3, Pollux s. xv. and a third MS. of the Greek anthology ‘papyraeeus saec. xiv. in quadrata forma grandiori,’ not now at the Bodleian, but of which D'Orville has a collation in his copy of the Anthology, Steph. 15— 66 (cf. the D'Orville Catalogue, p. 64.)